EDUCATION for adults with basic skill needs in Spain ALV EDUCATION for adults with basic skill needs in Spain MEC for OECD/CERI Nov 2006
ALV Ministry of Education and Science ALV Organization of education in Spain Ministry of Education and Science Educational responsibilities transferred to 17 C.C.A.A. (Autonomous Communities or Regions)
ALV Objectives of Adult Education ALV Objectives of Adult Education To acquire, complete or extend skills and knowledge as well as facilitate access to the different levels of the educational program. To develop programmes and courses that respond to the particular and specific needs of the under-privileged social groups. To improve their professional qualifications or facilitate training for the development of other professions. To develop their participation skills in social, cultural, political and economic spheres of life.
ALV 5. To develop programmes to combat the risk of social exclusion, especially among the underprivileged. 6. To respond adequately to the implications of an ageing population and guaranteeing older persons opportunities to improve and update their skills. 7. To foresee and resolve personal, family and social conflicts. Promote genuine equality of rights and opportunities between men and women, and analyse and evaluate existing inequalities. The main aim of AE is to offer all citizens access to lifelong learning (LLL)
ALV Adult education provision ALV Adult education provision Basic education:level I (literacy),level II(consolidation of basic knowledge and instrumental techniques and level III (Secondary education for adults) Vocational training Courses to prepare for examinations for the different educational levels. Spanish for immigrants Non formal courses :Mentor programes for ICTs…
ALV Validation and certification The new Educational Act (LOE) of 2006 ALV Validation and certification The new Educational Act (LOE) of 2006 Two examples from the flexible approach in access to the Certificate of Compulsory Secondary Education (Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria) in provision in Vocational Education and Training
ALV Validation and certification The new Educational Act (LOE) of 2006 Two examples from the flexible approach Flexibility by : -promotion of mobility and transparency across the country and with Europe; -facilitating the accumulation of credits building up to adult qualifications
ALV Access to the Certificate of Compulsory Secondary Education (“Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria”) Structure of the courses offered : common to all 17 educational administrations. Three core modules : Communication, Science and Technologies Citizenship and Social education
ALV B) Provision in Vocational Education and Training ALV B) Provision in Vocational Education and Training -Complete courses or modules Modules and formative units: validated and certificated individually by the regional administrations and recognised throughout the country. -Validation of professional competencies Validation of professional competencies acquired through professional experience and through non formal learning
ALV Gracias a tod@s