Lets look over some of our merchandise. As you can see, our sales have gone down the drain in the first few days of release. We, Hawkair games, need your help to lay our foundation. Lets look over some of our merchandise.
We are sorry, but due to a malfunction, we are not able to show picture This is our logo. We understand that most juveniles like logos that stand out instead of blend in. the way that we got our inspiration for the logo is that one of our workers saw a hawk nesting on the top of a urban building. She told the people who were making up the logo at the time, and that is why the company is named Hawkair games.
This is one of our games, called Dog gawn home. It is a game where you are a dog named peachy whose doghouse is constantly on the move and you have to guide him to his doghouse. Occasionally the dog catcher appears on certain levels and you have to go over or under him. We have only got a few levels in peach's home town, Duncan, but if you support us peachy and his doghouse will go across the world (Virtually!) .
Unfortunately, we cannot show you the picture. This is one of our games, Jurassic Creator. It is a game where you get to make your own dinosaurs and make your own unique park. You will be able to visit other peoples parks and gift them. Virtual people will come to your park as well as your friends. Sometimes one or two dinos would run away and you would play a mini game where you would chase the dino until you catch it. If you would be so kind as to provide use with the money needed, we will have a huge event where there would be a Dino named entity 707. whoever creates or breeds it first will win the dinosaur and 1,000 (virtual) cash. Onto our last merchandise ideas…..
Unfortunately we are not able to broadcast info. This is our console and controller. The console can be shaped like different animals like griffons, dolphins, rabbits and even dragons. The controller is similar to Xbox except that it is circular shaped and that it has 1 more key then the Xbox controller. It can also sense more accurately then the Xbox controller.
All in all, I hope that it is now in your best interests to support us in our adventure to spread joy and entertainment across the land. Sincerely, Maria Rusic