Chronologically, Topically, Spatially, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution Organization Chronologically, Topically, Spatially, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution
Chronologically Usually for a step-by-step process. To show time (Historical Speech)
Topically Usually when topics have natural dividers. It doesn’t matter what order you present the topic in. It depends on primacy or what’s most important.
Topical Organization Example: Purpose: To inform the audience of the four lifestyle options for college students. Central Idea: College students have at least four living arrangements available to them: Dormitory Apartment Frat or Sorority Living at home
Spatially Arranging items according to their location and direction. It doesn’t matter if the speaker explains what’s up, down, east, west, front, or back, as long as it is logical. Great for describing a place!
Spatial Organization Example: Purpose: To inform the audience of the four permanent exhibits at the Heard Museum. Central Idea: The Heard Museum has four permanent exhibits on Native American anthropology. Ethnological and historical materials of southwestern Native Americans Basketry Jewelry and pottery Kachina dolls
Cause and Effect Identifies a situation and seeks its causes. You can also identify effects of something and what causes it.
Cause and Effect Example: Purpose Statement: To inform the audience of the three effects of adult illiteracy. Central Idea: Adult illiteracy is a major problem for America today. High cost to society Poverty for the illiterates Decline in readership of newspapers and public notes
Problem and Solution or Present a solution to solve multiple problems, Present a problem and offer several possible solutions.
Problem/Solution Example: Purpose Statement: To inform the audience how business-school partnership programs can help solve three major problems facing our public schools today. Central Idea: Business-school partnership programs can help alleviate many of the problems faced by public schools today. Staffing special programs which schools with budget cuts can no longer afford. Offering assistance in understaffed classes in the arts Providing services and materials
Integrating Supporting Materials State the point. Cite the source of the supporting material. Present the supporting material. Explain how the supporting material substantiates or develops the point.
Signposts: verbal and non-verbal words or gestures that allow you to move smoothly from one idea to the next throughout your speech, showing relationships between ideas and emphasizing important points. An obvious clue that helps the audience stay on track.
Verbal Transitions Repeating a key word, or using a synonym or pronoun that refers to a key word. “These problems cannot continue” Using a transitional word or phrase. “In addition to the facts, we need to consider personal opinion” Enumerating “Second, there has been a rapid increase in accidents.” Internal summaries and previews. “Now that we have discussed the problems caused by illiteracy, lets look at some of the possible solutions.” “Now that you’ve seen how to gain flexibility, let’s look at balance in yoga.”
Nonverbal Transitions A change in facial expression, pause, altered vocal pitch, or speaking rate, or movement may indicate a transition.
Read “Nothing to Sneeze At” and answer the questions. What pattern will you use??? Assignment: Read “Nothing to Sneeze At” and answer the questions.