“ Spectral Data Processor v7.0 ” On-Screen Training Movies (#1-30) produced by XPS International LLC May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual OVERVIEW This series of movies shows you how to operate SDP v7.0 The movies are numbered in a training sequence but you can jump to any movie at any time. SDP is designed for processing XPS spectra in ASCII datafiles SDP is designed for use with aluminum X-ray sources, but can be easily adjusted to work with Mg or other X-ray sources SDP is a 32-bit stand-alone software that runs on Win XP, 7, 8 or 8.1 SDP saves and uses the most recent settings May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual List of Movies #01 Introduction #02 Main Display Features #03 Pull-Down Menus #04 Shortcut Icons #05 Import Options #06 Opening Spectra #07 Charge Correcting Spectra #08 Peak-fit Basics #09 Peak-Fit Advanced #10 Overlaying #11 Wide Scan Survey Spectra #12 XPS Spectral Lines Pop-up #13 Identifying Peaks #14 Peak Labels #15 Atom % Table #16 Annotations #17 Desk-Top-Publishing Images #18 Screen Capture and Snag-It #19 Exporting Spectra, Peaks, Tables #20 Transmission Function Correction #21 Sample Description Pop-up #22 Modifying Raw Data Permanently #23 Zoom by Mouse and Un-Do #24 Delete Spectra and Merge Files #25 Non-mono Satellites #26 Depth Profiles May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual Main Display Features Mouse Cursor - used for zooming - by drawing a box used to show energy at any point (press left button) Top menu bar - lists number spectra regions in file & filepath Main Display Shows: Sample Description, System Name, Pass Energy, Neutralizer, and Date, Atom % Summary, and Peak-fit Summary (user can hide or show any of these selectively) X-Axis - Energy scale in BE, but can be KE, and can be reversed Y-Axis - Counts scale (will be upgraded to display CPS) Tiling - displays multiple spectra side by side - see Window menu May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Zooming, UN-DO, & Scaling Display Zooming by drawing the “Boxes” with the mouse Activate the zoom by placing the cursor in the box and pressing the “Right-hand” mouse button Un-Zoom or Return to Full Screen by pressing “Right-hand” mouse button again To “UN-DO” many actions in a step-wise manner use the UN-DO routine Use “Scale X-Y Display” for exact scaling of the Active Display May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual Pull-Down Menus Files/Printing (for opening, printing, and options) Scale/Modify Display (for general data processing & DTP) Peak Analysis (for wide scan and atom % processing) Peak Fit (for peak-fitting high resolution spectra) Window (for tiling) Help/Info May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Icon Shortcuts for Major Functions Left Arrow and Right Arrow - view previous or next spectrum in multi-spectra file XPS Spectral Lines - assists with peak identification F & ID - automatically finds & identifies peaks - good for conductors Add Peak Baseline - Linear(L), Shirley(S), and Tougaard (Tg) Peak Table - Shows Details of Peaks - allows many changes Edit Peak Label (Pencil, Peak, ?) - allows user to add or modify peaks & labels etc. Add Peak - used to add a peak to a peak-fit (after defining a baseline) Start Peak-Fit - used to start peak-fit minimization process Peak-Fit Table - shows results of peak-fit & allows editing & labeling Edit Peak Constraints & Fit Parameters - used for advance peak-fitting needs Add Annotations Icon - used to add annotation any where on spectrum Edit Annotations Icon - used to correct any annotation Move Annotations Icon - used to relocate or delete any annotation May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Opening/Importing Spectra Files Open by Drag & Drop Open by Importing Special ASCII file formats require exact file type to open VGX900 Quantum Multi-Pak Spec-LHS Presenter May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Import Options & Other X-ray Sources Select Auto-Detect mode Select BE as the default value for energy scale for XPS Select KE as the default value for energy scale for Auger Set the default value for the X-ray energy (the default is 1486.7 eV for Aluminum X-rays) For Magnesium X-ray sources set the “Default Source Energy” to 1253.6 eV For UPS or Synchrotron data change default source energy to the energy used May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Charge Correcting High Energy Res Spectra Open C (1s) spectrum and locate BE of hydrocarbon peak Calculate the charge correction value Reference BE C (1s) - Observed BE C (1s) = Correction Open “Charge Compensation” routine Enter a negative number for monochromatic sources Enter a positive number for non-monochromatic sources All spectra in that datafile are then automatically shifted After charge correction, do peak-fitting (not before) May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Processing Wide Scan Spectra We often use the “Find & Identify” routine to find and identify the major peaks for conductive materials “Find & Identify” can also be used on insulators which have been charge corrected “Find & Identify” generates atom% values for the major components To identify unexpected signals we use the “XPS Spectral Lines” routine To edit peak labels or to label any new peaks we use the “Edit Peak Label” routine May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Peak-Fitting - The Basics Select number of endpoints to calculate smoothed endpoint positions Define background endpoints using mouse (vertical cursors) Edit “Peak-Fit Parameters” to define default G:L peak shapes Use mouse box to define FWHM of each peak (add peak) Click on Start Peak-fit to get simple results Edit Peak Labels as desired (20 character max) May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Peak-Fitting - Advanced Draw a box within the peak to be modified Open “Edit Peak-Fit Parameters” menu (Linked Peaks Icon) Modify the BE, FWHM, Height as desired To “Link” or “Constrain” a different peak to the selected peak open the pull-down menu (“NO LINK”) and choose Select a “Parameter” to be “Linked” or “Constrained” (e.g. Peak Areas, Peak Heights, Peak Widths, BE positions) Modify the G:L ratio of each peak individually Modify the peak shape to include some asymmetry to compensate for core-valence interactions May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual Overlaying Spectra Copy any spectrum to “Overlay Window” Select 1 of the spectra displayed Open next file and add next spectrum to “Overlay Window” Zoom in as desired Use “Tiling” to display Overlay alongside Raw Spectra Use “Display Options” to change colors & line thickness To capture the Overlay Window press “Alt-PrintScrn” To paste it press “Ctrl-V” or “Paste Bitmap” May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual XPS Spectral Lines “XPS Spectral Lines” is a “Look-Up Table” which is used to identify major and minor peaks in any spectrum This routine is listed in the Peak Analysis menu as the “Identify Peaks (XPS Lines)” routine and is available as a Icon After the major peaks have been integrated and have baselines then it is possible to use the “XPS Spectral Lines” routine to identify the peaks or to search for potential species XPS Spectral Lines is normally used on Wide Scan but it can be used on Narrow Scan spectra To change the list of XPS Spectral Lines we need to select the “Change Look-up Table” which has several alternate tables useful to Al or Mg XPS systems May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual Too Many Peaks If the “Find Peaks” routine finds too many peaks, then we need to change “Find Peaks Parameter” or decrease the intensity In some cases it may be necessary to smooth the data or to divide the peak intensity by 100 to get the best results for finding peaks May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual Identifying Peaks For Insulators we normally use a 2 step process to identify the peaks to minimize the chance of error in assignments After all the major peaks are integrated, we use the “XPS Spectral Lines” routine to assign those signals At first we assign the C (1s) and O (1s) peaks and then we assign the major signals of the other major elements May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual Peak Labeling There are various places that we can add labels to a peak including: Peak Table, Peak-Fit Table, Constrain Peak-fit We can also draw a “Mouse Box” within any peak which has been integrated or peak-fitted and then add a Peak Label Peak Labels are written vertically above the peak Annotation is different from Peak Labels and is written horizontally at any point on a spectrum Annotation can be done anywhere and is used to add special information for publications or note writings May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Atom % Composition Tables Open “Peak Table” and activate peaks to quantify A summary table of the Atom % appears on the spectra That “Summary Table” will appear on all printed spectra Please use the “Print Atom % Summary” to print a hard copy We can export Atom% as a text file by using “ASCII Export” Atom % values are directly affected by the “Sensitivity Factor Exponents” which correct for differences in Transmission Function, Pass Energy, and differences in KE which affect the IMFP May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
BE & RSF Look-Up Tables (ASCII files) Change from Al to Mg XPS “Look-up Table” A Wagner RSF “Lookup Table” is provided A Chemical State “Lookup Table” is provided Each “Lookup Table” can be modified as needed by user May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Adjustments for Transmission and IMFP The “Sensitivity Factor (SF) Exponent” is a exponential number which modifies the “Relative Sensitivity Factors” (RSF) by the simple equation shown below: By changing the SF Exponent we can correct for simple differences in Transmission Function or IMFP The Equation is: New RSF = Old RSF x ( 1486.7 eV - new BE )SF Exponent 1486.7 eV - 285 eV May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Printing & Desk-Top-Publishing Adjust color, font, and line thickness with “Display Options” Adjust page borders as desired to allow for hole punching Choose Portrait or Landscape plot styles Print to any Windows printer or various print files Use “Print Active Display” to print most spectra Use “Print Peak Table” to print Atom % results Use “Print Peak-Fit Info” to print peak-fit results May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual Annotation To add an annotation we draw a “Mouse Box” at the place we want to add some text Then we select the “Add Annotation” icon or Annotation menu. A box appears and we type in the text that we need. To edit an annotation we select the “Edit Annotation” icon or menu and select which annotation we want to edit. To move an annotation we draw a new “Mouse Box” at the place that we want the text and select “Move Annotation” icon or the “Move Annotation” menu May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Screen Capture & Pasting Capture the “Active Display” as a Bitmap (*.bmp) to the Clipboard Use “Paste”, “Paste Special”, or “Import” to paste the bitmap image into MS-Word etc. To capture the Overlay Window press “Alt-PrintScrn” To paste the Overlay, press “Ctrl-V” or “Paste Bitmap” To trim the edges of the Bitmap image use the “Crop/Trim” tool in the Picture menu of MS-Word or the software you are using for DTP May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Exporting Atom% Tables, Peak-fit Tables and Spectra Export “Atom%” or “Peak-Fit” tables to ASCII files Export/Save spectra as “X-Y” ASCII file to be opened in Excel, Origin, Igor Pro, Kaleidagraph, CasaXPS… Export/Save spectra as SSI ASCII or binary files Export/Save spectra as VAMAS datafile (current ISO standard) May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Modifying Sample Description The “Sample Description” consists of two lines of text which can be modified by selecting “Edit Descriptions / Names” These two lines are useful to describe the sample, its treatment, and any special conditions not listed elsewhere. SDP attempts to find and load “Sample Descriptions” stored in the various datafiles that it can import One you have made any sort of modification to a spectrum and attempt to close that datafile, SDP will ask you if you want to save the modifications to permanent memory. Normally we say Yes to this request. May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Modifying Raw Data or Spectrum Parameters Manually adjust or shift energy scale Manually scale data by some value ( + - x / ) “Auto Background Subtraction” is included “Pass Energy” values can be modified if desired “Start” and “End” energy values can be modified if desired May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Deleting Spectra & Merging Files It is possible and sometimes useful to delete certain spectra from a multi-spectra datafile. To delete one or more spectra please use “Delete Current Spectrum” and save the new file. (Listed in the Scale/Modify Display menu) It is also possible and sometimes useful to merge two or more datafiles together into one datafile. Please use the “Merge Files” listed in the “Files/Printing” menu. May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Saving/Exporting Files in Other File Formats It is possible to save any “Active Datafile” in six different file formats: SDP Binary, XI ASCII, SSI Binary, VAMAS, ISO, ComPro, “XY” ASCII and” XYZ” ASCII text The VAMAS format can be readily imported by many other XPS data processing software found on various modern XPS systems The “XY” ASCII format can be imported by Excel, Origin, Igor Pro, 1-2-3, MatLab, KaleidaGraph and many other data processing software May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Removing Non-Mono Satellites SDP allow the user to remove non-mono X-ray satellites from those XPS spectra which have X-ray satellites. The current set of satellites include Al, Mg and Ag satellites. The user can modify the ASCII text files which are used to remove these satellites. To do so, please open the file called “Non-mono.txt” It is also possible to add more lines to the “Non-mono.txt” file to remove other non-mono satellites. May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual
Processing and Displaying Depth Profiles The depth profile routine was recently added and contains many advanced features. It is possible to peak-fit all of the spectra in a depth profile It is possible to generate an Atom% vs Depth plot It is possible to generate a 3D Montage plot to show the changes as a function of depth from various viewpoints. It is possible to generate a simple 2D display which looks like a overlay of all the available spectra. May 15, 2015 SDP v7.0 On Screen Operation Manual