Introduction to Graphics Mr. Brown Solanco High School
Two Graphic Categories Raster Graphics Vector Graphics
Two Graphic Categories Categories and file types are picked by programs Raster file are smaller than vector files
Raster Graphics Examples
Raster Graphics Examples
Raster Graphics Examples
Raster Graphics Examples
Raster Graphics Images composed of pixels, show up as dots on the screen Edited pixel by pixel Enlarging or reducing causes “jaggies” File Formats: PNG, TIFF, BMP, TIF, PCX, JPEG
Raster Graphics - Files TIFF - Tagged Image File Format Boat.tiff TIFF supports very large file sizes BMP - Bitmap (Paint program)
Raster Graphics - Files JPEG (JPG) - Joint Photographic Expert Group Supports high resolution images PNG - Portable Network Graphic
Vector Graphics Examples
Vector Graphics Examples
Vector Graphics Graphics coded by mathematical algorithms or formulas Resolution is output dependent (printer) Enlarging or reducing doesn’t degrade the image File Formats: PICT, EPS, WMF, CGM, COR
Vector Graphics - Files EPS - Encapsulated Post Script Boat.eps Uses postscript printer language Sharpest and most detailed images
Vector Graphics - Files WMF - Windows Metafile Format CGM - Computer Graphic Metafile COR - Corel Draw Graphic
Vector Graphics Examples