July 2016 update from the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service Local The NCRAS Local Group for Intelligence on Cancer (LoGIC), a group of senior cancer intelligence staff from each region, now has a local cancer intelligence section on the website, with links to key local cancer data sources. Clinical Headline Indicators have been launched, which involves trust-level metrics for various cancers (password- protected) on CancerStats. CancerData dashboard publically available, showing incidence, survival, treatment and patient experience indicators at CCG and Trust level. NCRAS supported the PHE Value and Variation team to deliver a training session (Tuesday) to Right Care Delivery Partners – these are senior leaders supporting CCGs and CSSs in implementing Right Care transformations at local level. National NCRAS have been working on an update of the Cancer Outcomes and Services Dataset (COSD) – with version 7.0 going live in 2017. This relates to what trusts must record when a patient is diagnosed with cancer. Final preparations are underway for the forthcoming Be Clear on Cancer respiratory symptoms awareness campaign running from 14th July to 16th October. NCRAS will undertake the campaign evaluation. International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership – NCRAS are contributing to phase 2 being run by IARC over 3 years: cancer survival for 8 cancers diagnosed 1995-2014; includes UK countries, Ireland, Canada, NZ, Aus. NCRAS collaborated with ONS to produce new experimental statistics on survival by stage and site. The PHE Cancer Outcomes Conference in Manchester was a great success, slides will be available online soon. This was Chris Carrigan’s last conference as Head of NCIN, he has now departed to pastures new. July 2016 update – PHE National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS)