Arkansas Cancer Coalition Effectively Reaching Unscreened Audiences Using Social Media and Other Communication Tools Miriam Karanja, Director of Programs, ACC Cecil McDonald, Community Health Advocate, Mississippi County
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities What is the goal of the communication campaign?
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Increase knowledge about colorectal cancer Promote early detection and screening Assist with high quality treatment
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 2. Describe your primary audience? (Demographics or Who): Age, County/City/Zip Code, Education, Gender, Household Status, Income Status, Insurance Status Marital Status, Professional Status, Race, Others
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Gender: Males (Primary), Females (Secondary) County: Mississippi Race: Minorities Income: High rate of poverty/low to moderate income Education: Lack of high school diploma/ limited education beyond high school. Employment: High rate of unemployment Work: Factory works and unskilled laborers Insurance: Uninsured
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 3. Describe your primary audience? (Psychographics or Why): Cultural history, health history, public health data, Social media use, values, religious views, political views, others.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities “Fix it when it’s broken”. E.g. When sick, for a job, when having a baby or when in an accident Suspicious of the medical community Males may prefer a female doctor Need endorsement by a specialist Will only listen to peers or an expert Need an example of someone whose done it
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 4. Reaching Your Audience Directly or Indirectly: Live, work, socialize, worship, entertainment Health care provider, service providers, Family, fairs, others
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Handouts, Canvassing. Speaking at sporting events, ”Friday night lights”, night clubs, churches, civic events, marathons Employment functions News outlets – Radio, TV, social media, Twitter. Several stations in area KJAM, WDIA, K97 A letter from the CEO targeted to employees Bid donation from the company to help with outreach
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Billboards targeted to the group Delivering a complex message in a simple way: Who is delivering the message? Local spokesperson with experts, doctors and other health care providers.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Radio talk shows with Q & A sessions, and also you must have someone to ask the “hard questions”. Remember this is very personal information. Have someone available to do a 1 on 1 out in the community and a doctor on the phone to establish creditability for the whole program.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 5. Champions Are there any individuals that can champion your cause by testifying?
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 6. What materials would reach your audience? Billboards, Earned (free) media, FIT Tests, Giveaways e.g. bags, magnets, pins, Letter from a CEO, Radio, Social media, Television, Medical office slides Testimony: Survivor and medical expert. Observances
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 7. Partners: Who can you partner with to develop and implement your campaign?
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Your organization Church, civic groups, clubs Government officials or local health units, state agencies. Local businesses Hospitals, health organizations and clinics Cancer control: ACC, ACS, ADH, UAMS and others
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 8. Evaluation: How will you evaluate the impact of your campaign? What information will you collect?
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Measure the impact of your campaign with a survey that has specific questions that will help you to rate your campaign. The information collected should allow for improvements to increase outreach. This information should increase the screening, and testing results.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Survey your audience for an increase in knowledge. How many males over 50 received submitted FIT tests to UAMS. How many males over 50 received assistance in receiving treatment for CRC.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 9. Timeline: Develop a timeline for developing, implementing and evaluating your campaign.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Develop a detailed timeline broken into months and years Detail activities including planning, implementation and evaluation Build in sufficient time for revised activities.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 10. Budget: Estimate the cost of implementing your campaign.
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities Budget items might include: Materials Radio spots Booth fees Printing costs Social media posts Postage, Others
Effectively Reaching Underserved Communities 11. Demonstration: