Crumble – plans Objective……….. Make a crumble using your own plan Explain the processes involved in making crumble Identify the key parts of the process and any health and safety issues.
Crumble – plans Secure assessment criteria. I can complete a step by step method which includes ingredients, H&S, equipment and skills. I can identify the health & safety issues on the crumble planning sheet but with not very much detail. Exceeding assessment criteria. I can make a plan which has a step by step method and ingredients , H&S, equipment. I have explained how and why I am doing this process and I can use my plan throughout the practical lesson. Highest assessment criteria. I can make a plan which has a step by step method and ingredients , H&S, equipment. I have explained how and why I am doing this process and I use my plan throughout the practical lesson. I can add changes and notes to my plan during and after.
Crumble – practical lesson Ingredients 100 grams plain flour 50 grams butter 25 grams sugar 50 grams oats ( you could mix in seeds ,coconut, muesli etc) 2 eating apples + 50 grams sultanas or experiment with other fruits, pears, peaches, apricots, raspberries etc. You could add dried fruit or tinned fruit too. Its your choice! Equipment Weighing scales Mixing bowl Wooden spoon Chopping board – green Sharp knife Peeler Tin opener Ovenproof dish or foil tray Baking tray
Crumble – practical lesson Add flour and butter to the mixing bowl Rub until the mixture is like breadcrumbs Stir in the oats and sugar. Slice and cut the fruit thinly. Arrange the fruit in the foil tray on a baking tray. Sprinkle the crumble topping over the fruit. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes, until the fruit is soft and the crumble is golden. Clear and wash up. Put all the equipment away clean and dry
Crumble – practical lesson Secure assessment criteria. I can work on my own but will ask for help if required. I can use the tools and equipment correctly when shown. My crumble is complete and well made. I can clear away and work with others. Exceeding assessment criteria. I am confident and can work with some independence. My crumble is well prepared and put together. I have used various ingredients with thought of flavours and textures. There is creativity to my product. I can clear away and work with others without any reminding. I am organised and well prepared. Highest assessment criteria. I am independent and can make decisions without consultation. My crumble is very creative and shows different construction. It is carefully made and is well finished. I can organise myself and others to complete effectively.
Crumble – practical lesson Ingredients 100 grams plain flour 50 grams butter 25 grams sugar 50 grams oats ( you could mix in seeds, coconut, muesli etc) 2 eating apples + 50 grams sultanas or experiment with other fruits, pears, peaches, apricots, raspberries etc. You could add dried fruit or tinned fruit too. Its your choice! Equipment Weighing scales Mixing bowl Wooden spoon Chopping board – green Sharp knife Peeler Tin opener Ovenproof dish or foil tray Baking tray
Crumble – practical lesson Add flour and butter to the mixing bowl Rub until the mixture is like breadcrumbs Stir in the oats and sugar. Slice and cut the fruit thinly. Arrange the fruit in the foil tray on a baking tray. Sprinkle the crumble topping over the fruit. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes, until the fruit is soft and the crumble is golden. Clear and wash up. Put all the equipment away clean and dry