Mercury Dissolution Studies in Soil Columns as a Function of pe Matthew Fox Dr. S. Grimberg
Objectives Predict the effect of pe on abiotic/biotic Hg transformations in sediments Net effect of pe on Hg in controlled pe conditions: Dissolved Hg Transformed Hg Transported Hg
Soil Composition Aerobic Metabolism: Oxidation of organic matter Denitrification: Sulfate Reducing Conditions: Sulfate reducing bacteria causing Hg Methylation Methanogenesis: *Modified from Dr. Kim Shulz: Limnology/RedoxReac2.jpg
Abiotic and Biotic Column Conditions Anaerobic: Sulfur couple Variable column Anaerobic: Nitrogen couple Aerobic Eh Range (mV) The columns model the soil zones within the watershed 200 to 800 50 to 750 -650 to -200
Column Setup Measure pH/pe before and after column Outflow will be into a sealed container to reduce contamination Many samples for HgT and a few samples for MeHg pH/ORP meter N2 Purge + Disp. Pump Ready for Hg analysis Media solution Flow through cell Column
Experimental Stages Quartz sand: Quartz sand w/ HgS: Soil: Soil w/HgS: vary pe, DOC in abiotic environment Obtain stable reproducible results. Quartz sand w/ HgS: vary pe, DOC in abiotic and biotic environment Soil: vary pe, DOC in biotic environment Soil w/HgS: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Expected Relative Output from Columns
Accomplished to Date Collected Soil samples next to Sunday Lake Collected Influent and Effluent water/DOC samples, filtered through 5.0 and 0.45 mm, storing frozen Experimental setup for two columns with automatic data logging capabilities Determined the mV effect of quartz sand for the non-buffered systems: Couples: NH4+ / NO3- and HS- / SO42- Couples with trace metal media Nitrogen Couple stability with trace metal and Phosphorus buffer
Infrared Digital Orthoquad Sp 2003 water soil
Future Plans Testing under varied pe, DOC conditions while recording mV, pH and determining HgT and less often MeHg quartz sand with HgS soil soil with HgS