Question of the Day 1.1 Take out a sheet of paper and across the top write “QOD” On the first line write “1.1” Answer this question using your brain, friends, maps, books or anything that is in my room. How many counties are there in the state of Ohio?
How Nature Shaped Ohio I) What Geologists Say about Ohio’s history
How Nature Shaped Ohio I) What Geologists Say about Ohio’s history A) That we were once under a salt water ocean
How Nature Shaped Ohio I) What Geologists Say about Ohio’s history That we were once under a salt water ocean 1) they say that small bits of sand, clay, and calcium settled on the ocean bottom and became cemented together
How Nature Shaped Ohio I) What Geologists Say about Ohio’s history That we were once under a salt water ocean 1) they say that small bits of sand, clay, and calcium settled on the ocean bottom and became cemented together 2) the limestone is made from billions of small creatures that once lived in the saltwater
How Nature Shaped Ohio I) What Geologists Say about Ohio’s history That we were once under a salt water ocean 1) they say that small bits of sand, clay, and calcium settled on the ocean bottom and became cemented together 2) the limestone is made from billions of small creatures that once lived in the saltwater 3) the sandstone is sand that has been cemented together
How Nature Shaped Ohio I) What Geologists Say about Ohio’s history That we were once under a salt water ocean 1) they say that small bits of sand, clay, and calcium settled on the ocean bottom and became cemented together 2) the limestone is made from billions of small creatures that once lived in the saltwater 3) the sandstone is sand that has been cemented together 4) shale, the weakest bedrock, was formed from clay
How Nature Shaped Ohio B) What makes them say that?
How Nature Shaped Ohio What makes them say that? 1) Bedrock
How Nature Shaped Ohio What makes them say that? 1) Bedrock a)bedrock- the solid layer of rock below the soil
How Nature Shaped Ohio What makes them say that? 1) Bedrock a)bedrock- the solid layer of rock below the soil b)The bedrock in Ohio is made up of sandstone, shale, and limestone
How Nature Shaped Ohio What makes them say that? 1) Bedrock a)bedrock- the solid layer of rock below the soil b)The bedrock in Ohio is made up of sandstone, shale, and limestone 2) Fossils, clues to early life
How Nature Shaped Ohio What makes them say that? 1) Bedrock a)bedrock- the solid layer of rock below the soil b)The bedrock in Ohio is made up of sandstone, shale, and limestone 2) Fossils, clues to early life a) fossils- remnants in stone
How Nature Shaped Ohio What makes them say that? 1) Bedrock a)bedrock- the solid layer of rock below the soil b)The bedrock in Ohio is made up of sandstone, shale, and limestone 2) Fossils, clues to early life a) fossils- remnants in stone b) Ohio’s state fossil is the trilobite
How Nature Shaped Ohio C) Glaciers, they believe that glaciers once pushed across Ohio, changing its landscape
How Nature Shaped Ohio C) Glaciers, they believe that glaciers once pushed across Ohio, changing its landscape 1) glaciers- huge sheets of ice
How Nature Shaped Ohio C) Glaciers, they believe that glaciers once pushed across Ohio, changing its landscape 1) glaciers- huge sheets of ice a) these glaciers were up to 10,000 ft. thick
How Nature Shaped Ohio C) Glaciers, they believe that glaciers once pushed across Ohio, changing its landscape 1) glaciers- huge sheets of ice a) these glaciers were up to 10,000 ft. thick b) they pushed everything out of their way, and flattened whatever they went over
How Nature Shaped Ohio C) Glaciers, they believe that glaciers once pushed across Ohio, changing its landscape 1) glaciers- huge sheets of ice a) these glaciers were up to 10,000 ft. thick b) they pushed everything out of there way, and flattened whatever they went over c) when they melted, they left all of the debris behind (mountains, hills, lakes, ponds, etc)