Attention Identity theft Definition When someone uses your Social Security number or other personal information to open new accounts, make purchases, or get a tax refund.
Protecting your identity Warning Signs You could get a notice from the IRS or find unfamiliar accounts on your credit report. You might get bills that are not yours or get calls about debts you do not owe. WHAT TO DO Call the companies where fraud occurred. Place a fraud alert on your credit reports. Report identity theft to the FTC. File a report with your local police department. Protecting your identity Read bank statements often. Know your due dates. Read health insurance plan statements. Shred documents. Review all credit reports at least once a year.
Keeping personal info. secure offline Lock your financial documents. Limit what you carry. Shred documents. Destroy prescription labels. Ask why they need your info. Don’t order checks to your house Keeping personal info. Secure online Be alert to impersonators. Safely dispose personal info. Encrypt your data. Keep passwords private. Don’t overshare.
Keeping devices secure Ask questions about social security Why they need it. How it will be used. How they will protect it. What happens if you don’t share it. Keeping devices secure Use security software. Avoid phishing emails. Be wise about Wi-Fi. Lock up your laptop. Read privacy policies.