Bell Work List as many of the churches in the community as possible
The Reformation was outgrowth of the past ideas Humanist Reformers Rebalais-> condemned various forms of corruption within the church; priests no longer are models of virtue; celibacy vow disregarded; condemned simony Luther: condemned corruption in the church; believed priest should practice what they preached Sir Thomas More: expressed idea of communal living; no class distinctions; no unemployment; no competition; everyone living & working together. Defied Henry VIII; Catholic martyr. John Calvin: people already predestined for salvation; success on earth determined place in heaven; hard work & no leisure time were signs of success. Erasmus: believed true religion was a matter of inward sincerety & pious devotion rather than an outward symbol of ceremony and ritual; scriptures were a guide for life; wanted moral reforms; not ritualistic Luther: the Bible was a way of life; did not believe in pompous Church ceremonies; clergy not important; everyone is their own priest; one should be able to talk to God directly
Causes of Reformation Dissatisfaction with wealth of the church; poor people believe bishops were of the wealthy oppressive class. Corruption in the church- simony benefices; 30% of land in Europe under church control. Decline in papal influence- nationalistic churches spring up. Babylonian Captivity Great Schism Henry VIII of England’s Conciliarism
Causes of Reformation 4. Martin Luther’s 95 Theses. 5.The middle class wished to run their religious affairs as they handled their own businesses. -They found Church bureaucracies still to medieval & rigid. -Calvinist church came largely from-”Protestant Work Ethic” 6. Great Peasant Revolt of 1520.
The Reformation worked in Northern Europe because Monarchies resented the church for not paying taxes to the nation, but collecting taxes from citizens belonging to the church & sending money to Rome. Luther appealed to nationalistic feeling in the German states. The Upper class saw an opportunity to take property from the church. The Printing Press spread Luther’s ideas & the Bible in vernacular.
Not In Italy? Pope was in Rome and was Italian (Spanish Inquisition). Catholic Church was a source of wealth for Italy. The Italian Ren. made Italy prosperous (Money in Art-religous). Italian universities made questioning of church theology principles unheard of. Germany was the home of Luther & the Liberal universities.
Lutheranism Salvation by Faith No need for sacraments( Baptism & Communion). Only one true authority is the Bible. Each person must deal with God directly. Consubstantiation No difference between laity & the clergy. Kept bishops for administrative purposes. Refusal to recognize the authority of the Pope. Married clergy. Religious services in the vernacular. The Church is the subordinate to and the agent of the civil authority.
Calvinism Pessimistic about man; optimistic about God. Predestination(“the Elect”). Strict interpretation of the Bible (literal). Reject Papal Authority. Scorned pleasures as the idle: no smoking, drinking, gambling, blaspheming, dancing, music, in religious services. Only “sacraments” were Baptism & the Eucharist. Consubstantiation. Church elders administration to the congregation. Too much leisure time lead to sin. Puritans in England; Huguenots in France; Presbyterians in Scotland.
Anglicanism Henry VIII of England resented the church for not granting him a divorce of Catherine of Aragon. He wanted church lands & property to add to his treasury. The monarch of England now became the head of the Anglican Church as well Book of Common Prayer (Edward VI) One had to be Anglican to hold a government job until the late 19c.
Social Significance of the Reformation Basic & lasting changes in education and image & role of women. Implemented the educational ideas of humanism. (study of original sources in the original language).
Effects of the Reformation Catholic Counter Reformation-Council of Trent Religious Wars of the late 16c & Thirty year’s War: Peace of Augsburg 1555 Edict of Nantes 1598 Treaty of Westphalia 1648
The Protestant Reformation Problems with the Church German Characteristics Church had lost sight of spiritual mission of Jesus Popes did not set example of moral leadership Priest engaged in vice and misconduct Church too interested in income Church was not interested enough in saving souls There was no strong, central government so emperor could not control new ideas about religion or prevent the abuses of the power of Pope. Peasant Revolt in 1520- A series of religious & economic revolts in Germany. Martin Luther condemns it as the Devil’s work. Tetzel began selling indulgences in Germany, which appalled many humanist. Martin Luther protested Tetzel’s behavior