Teaching and Learning with the UDL Framework Richard Jackson Associate Professor Boston College Senior Research Scientist Center for Applied Special Technology
Two Parts Personal Perspective Inacting UDL in the Classroom
A Personal Perspective on UDL
Unique Stance 35 years teaching at college/university level with a disability Participant observer of change and no change in higher education Progression from Extensive Supports Early adopter of UDL in practice Greater Acceptance of Disability on Campus
Breaking Down the Barriers
Large Print
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) The Library of Congress
Optical solutions
Optical solutions
Analogue Solutions
My “Network” of Supporters
Boston College
Digital solutions
you don’t use a typewriter to write your papers… why would you cite your sources by hand?
Write-N-Cite III 32
Inacting UDL in the Classroom
Goal Discover the Feasibility of Bringing UDL into University Classrooms
Objectives Improve teaching effectiveness Minimize negative impact of instructor’s disabilities Reach wider range of students Demonstrate UDL solutions Model UDL practices
Dispositions of Faculty Interpretations of teaching, instructing, and professoring Dilemmas over equity versus excellence Confusions over rights of SWDs Distinguishing between accommodations and modifications Responsibility for training in the use of technology.
Barriers & Solutions Textbooks Course Packs Chalkboards Transparencies Instructor Feedback Classroom Discussions Due Date Exams Digital Text Full Text Digital Docs Smart boards PowerPoints Track Changes Threaded Discussions Range of Dates Computer-based
Challenges In Postsecondary Education Civil Rights & Universal Access Specifying Entry Level Skills Adhering to Standards Setting Reasonable & Appropriate Accommodations