State of <State> Review and Discussion of Current and Proposed National Background Check Program (NBCP) Implementation Presentation to <Name of audience/stakeholder organization> <Date>
Presenters <Name of State program/agency 1> <Name of presenter 1>, <title> <Name of presenter 2>, <title> <Name of State program/agency 2> CNA, CMS technical assistance (TA) contractor for the NBCP [Optional–use if presenting with CNA] <Name of CNA presenter 1>, <title> <Name of CNA presenter 2>, <title>
Overview of NBCP, Pilot Program Administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in consultation with the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Effective from 2004-2007 Seven States participated: Alaska Nevada Idaho New Mexico Illinois Wisconsin Michigan Focused on establishing background check programs to help identify best practices and lessons learned
Overview of NBCP, Current Program Created under Section 6201 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Establishes framework for standardized nationwide program for States to conduct background checks on all prospective direct access employees of long term care (LTC) facilities and providers Aims to identify efficient, effective, and economical procedures for States to conduct Federal-level background checks
Overview of NBCP, Grant Solicitation First solicitation issued by CMS in June 2010 Six States awarded in initial round of funding (September 2010) <State> received $<amount> in <month> <year> to design a comprehensive applicant criminal background check program for LTC jobs involving direct access to residents or beneficiaries <Number of> additional States awarded by <current month> <current year> (See
<State’s> Existing Program Key Features: Covers <number of> types of LTC facilities/providers (e.g., <types of facilities/providers covered>) These facilities employ <number of> direct access workers Administered by the <name of State grantee agency> <Requires/does not require> fingerprint-based background checks <Does/does not> include State rap back program <Does/does not> include all provider types covered by the NBCP
<State’s> Proposed Program Key Enhancements: <Example: Expand the scope of the current statutes to include the capture of applicant fingerprints for national checks performed through a query of the FBI’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System> <Example: Expand the population of employers required to obtain prospective employee background checks to include hospices, LTC hospitals, personal care service providers, and institutions available for individuals with developmental disabilities>
<State’s> Proposed Program (cont.) Key Enhancements (cont.): <Example: Design and implement a State rap back system to make employers immediately aware of offenses occurring post-background check and to lessen the burden on applicants of repeat background checks> <Example: Expand the scope of registry checks to include State-based abuse and neglect registries and databases, and the abuse and neglect registries of another State in the case where a prospective employee previously resided in that State>
Implementing Enhancements Key Features: <Example: Legislation is needed to: Expand the background check policies to additional LTC facilities Expand the background check policies to require fingerprinting and authorize collection of fees for background check processing> <Example: IT work is needed to: Streamline the collection and validation of all background check data, including fingerprints> <Example: Outreach is needed to: Educate and train LTC facilities and providers on the new policies and procedures>
<State’s> Activity Since Grant Award <Example: Preparing enabling legislation so that the grant can be implemented> <Example: Determining needs of the Office of Attorney General to implement the process of collecting fingerprints from applicants> <Example: Assessing methods of and locations for the processing of fingerprints>
CNA Technical Assistance [Optional] CNA developed understanding of existing program Reviewed grant application Created summary of existing program Completed initial technical assistance (TA) evaluation Established communication with <State> team Calls with <State> stakeholders to assess and discuss areas of need and priority Monthly grantee calls (all grantee States) NBCP TA website: http://bgcheckinfo/ References Resources News
Next Steps What’s Next Timeline for Implementation Discussion and Questions For additional information, contact <name of point of contact>, <State agency>, <telephone number>, <email address>