On the way to the 7th congress of LBAS
Latvia Inhabitants: 2 milj. (2,4 milj. in the year 2001) Employed population: 1 milj. Unemplojed: 11,8% Minimal wages: 282 EUR Average salary: 460 EUR Emigration: ~ 200 000 inhabitants Political situation: we have new government
Free Trade Union Confideration of Latvia (LBAS) Members – 110.000 Joung people - ~14 % Sectors– 20
LBAS in regions
Youth committee of LBAS Youth organizations in LBAS: Trade Union «ENERGIA» Trade Union of Workers in Communication Teachers Trade Union Trade Union of Builders in Latvia Students Trade Union in Latvian Medical University
EVENTS 2010 - 2011 2010 december – discussions with non govermental organizations-how to involve more young people in social life 2011 аpril – Youth committee seminar. Vote for president of this committee.
June 2011- 7th summer school ITUC-PERC in Palanga (Lithuania) June/July 2011 information campaign in Daugavpils and Jelgava July 2011 7th Baltic trade union summer camp in Engure
Television game for secondary schools. “SMĀRTS” Television game for secondary schools. To learn more about working rights www.draugiem.lv/smarts
game for industrial schools. PROFS “Safety start” game for industrial schools. www.profs2011.lbas.lv
TODO Interactive game for pupils from 1st to 6th class. How to protect yourself from accident. Electricity, gas, fire etc. www.drosaistodo.lv
EVENTS 2010 - 2011
EVENTS 2010 - 2011
EVENTS 2010 - 2011
EVENTS 2010 - 2011
FORUM “A trade union is your opportunity – a guarantee of rights and safety” 1-2 november 2nd of november “Young people in trade union” Aim – find more young and active trade union members
7th congress of Free Trade Union Confideration of Latvia (LBAS) 7th congress of Free Trade Union Confideration of Latvia (LBAS) 2nd of December 2011
Martins Mertens Trade Union of Latvian Commercial Workers (member) Free Trade Union Confideration of Latvia (youth committee)
Thank You!