Tuesday 27th September 2011 Moving On Up
Overview of presentation Review of 3 School Development Plan (SDP) priorities Outline of next steps Curriculum plans: parent input Continuing school improvement
SDP Priority 1 Dual year group working to share ideas and resources Children and parents input into the new curriculum to ensure learning is at the children’s interest level Maths and English learning journeys ensure a cross curricular approach To develop a curriculum that enthuses and motivates pupils' learning, so that they make better than expected progress New Learning and Teaching Policy in place Term 1 of Year 1 of new curriculum in place for years 1 to 6 from September 2011 Staff aiming for outstanding in learning and teaching
Learning and Teaching Policy Value every individual Achievement for all Learner centred Enjoyment Parents Should…
Curriculum – Next Steps Develop year 2 of new curriculum Embed a variety of learning and teaching styles Parents’ workshop School Council input (pupil voice) N.B Single year classes
SDP Priority 2 Use of APP grids across school for reading, writing and maths Subject leaders review and write yearly action plans linked to SDP ‘I can’ targets for child and parent reference To develop the role of subject leaders so that they can impact positively on curriculum development and pupil outcomes Nominated Governors for English, Maths and Assessment work with subject leaders on strategic matters Classteachers plan appropriate interventions Termly staff working party detailed analysis of school data with key actions
Leader – Next Steps All subject leaders to ensure coverage of National Curriculum at each key stage Subject Leaders to monitor and evaluate impact Governors to continue to feed back progress and impact at C&L committees Core Subject Leader presentations at Governor meetings
SDP Priority 3 Mid-year and end of year sub-level assessments shared with parents Range of parent presentations and class drop ins Family Forum meetings To improve engagement with parents so that they are more involved with their child’s learning and progress Coffee mornings with the Co- Headteachers Website and Prospectus Increased use of VLE throughout the school
Classteachers ** Key Stage Leaders ** Co-Headteachers Parents – Next Steps Continue to expand range of parent meetings and workshops Range of information booklets e.g. Supporting your child with reading Our door is always open Classteachers ** Key Stage Leaders ** Co-Headteachers
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