Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time.


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Presentation transcript:

Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Martin Luther Logout Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Luther (5) Send Luther a message Poke message Information Networks: Church Reformers. Birthday: November 10, 1483 in Religion: Lutheran Hometown: Eisleben, Germany Friends Martin Luther Today is the day I shed light on the corruption and wrong doings of the Catholic church. These 95 Theses will bring change to the church. Everyone will see how the selling of indulgences is immoral and that we need reform. October 31, 1517 LEO X Hus Zwingli John Calvin Henry VIII Tetzel

Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Martin Luther Logout Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Luther (5) Send Luther a message Poke message Information Networks: Church Reformers. Birthday: November 10, 1483 in Religion: Lutheran Hometown: Eisleben, Germany Friends Martin Luther I’ve been labeled a heretic and an outlaw. In an effort to prevent imprisonment or even burning at the stake I am leaving Worms. I will take refuge in the Wartburg Castle at Eisenach, where I will live for the next year under the protection of a German prince January 3, 1521 LEO X Hus Zwingli John Calvin Henry VIII Tetzel

Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Martin Luther Logout Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Luther (5) Send Luther a message Poke message Information Networks: Protestant Churches. Birthday: November 10, 1483 in Religion: Lutheran Hometown: Eisleben, Germany Friends Martin Luther occupying my time in refuge by translating the New Testament, the second half of the Bible, into the vernacular, or simple German, that ordinary people could understand to make sure everyone can have a true understanding. 1521 LEO X Hus Zwingli Charles V Luther you are a heretic. Latin is the Holy language and the scripture should not be in common language. 1521 John Calvin Henry VIII Tetzel

Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Martin Luther Logout Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Luther (5) Send Luther a message Poke message Information Networks: Church Reformers. Birthday: November 10, 1483 in Religion: Lutheran Hometown: Eisleben, Germany Friends Martin Luther Finally!!! Pope Paul III is calling the Council of Trent, to respond to the doctrinal challenges raised by the Protestant Reformers, like myself. The Council will focus on reforming the indulgences, education of the clergy, sacraments, and much more!. October 31, 1517 LEO X Hus Zwingli John Calvin Henry VIII Tetzel

Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Martin Luther Logout Martin Luther reforming the world…one church at a time. Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Luther (5) Send Luther a message Poke message Information Networks: Church Reformers. Birthday: November 10, 1483 in Religion: Lutheran Hometown: Eisleben, Germany Friends Martin Luther Where I first made my mark and will find my final resting place, Schlosskirche, the Castle Church, where he posted his 95 Theses. Wittenberg, Germany. February 22, 1546 LEO X Hus Zwingli John Calvin Henry VIII Tetzel

facebook Martin Luther Wall Photos Flair Boxes Martin Luther Logout Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Church Reformers Sex: Male Birthday: November 10, 1483 Hometown: Eisleben, Germany Relationship Status: Married to The Church Religious Views: Catholic View photos of Luther (5) Send Luther a message Poke message Personal Information Information Activities: Writing in the vernacular, Question basic doctrines of the Catholic Church, challenging abuses of the church Interests: religion, holy sacraments, Favorite Music: Lutheran Church music, Contrafacta, Tallis Favorite Artists: Hans Halbein, Andreas Karlstadt, Clément Marot Favorite Writings: Holy Bible, 95 Theses, Court poetry, Edict of Nantes, Networks: Protestant Churches. Birthday: November 10, 1483 Religion: Lutheran Hometown: Eisleben, Germany Photos 2 Albums Making Changes Updated last Tuesday Contact Information Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 Phone Number: (202) 456-1111 Protestant Reform Updated two months ago

Work Cited Ansbacher, B. "Martin Luther." Encyclopaedia Judaica, edited by Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik, 2nd ed., Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. Biography in Context, Accessed 21 Aug. 2017. "Council of Trent." Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, edited by Paul F. Grendler, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2000. World History in Context, Accessed 21 Aug. 2017. "Luther, Martin." World Religions Reference Library, edited by Julie L. Carnagie, et al., vol. 4: Biographies, UXL, 2007, pp. 225-234. World History in Context, Accessed 21 Aug. 2017. "Martin Luther Posting the 95 Theses." Gale World History in Context, Gale, 2007. World History in Context, Accessed 21 Aug. 2017. "Martin Luther Translating the Bible in Germany, 1521." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2010. Biography in Context, Accessed 21 Aug. 2017. O'Malley, John W. "Trent, Council of." Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, edited by Paul F. Grendler, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2000. World History in Context, Accessed 21 Aug. 2017.