Revelation Part 3 Lesson 5a
Daniel 7:17-28 Daniel has a vision of 4 beasts but wants to understand the fourth beast Beast has a kingdom, but different than the other 3 Beast devours the whole earth This fourth kingdom has 10 kings Horn comes up among the ten horns/kings Rev. 17:11-12 The beast who once was, and now is not, is an 8th king… This horn arises and does away with 3 of the 10. He becomes greater
Daniel 7:17-28 King/Beast speaks out against the Most High Wages war with the saints, wearing them down They are given into his hand for time, times and half a time. Rev. 13:5-7 Beast persecutes the saints After the time, times and half a time: the king/beast is judged – destroyed forever Rev. 19:19-20 Saints receive the kingdom forever Rev. 20
Daniel 9:24-25 70 weeks decreed for Daniel’s people – Israel Finish the transgression Make an end of sin Make atonement for iniquity Bring in everlasting righteousness Seal up/ both vision and prophecy Anoint the/a most holy place All of this has been fulfilled in Jesus (vs. 24) From the decree to restore (Neh. 2) Until Messiah the Prince 69 weeks
Daniel 9:26-27 All 69 weeks had gone by when Messiah the Prince – Jesus came One week remains Messiah/the Anointed One was cut off Jerusalem and its Temple destroyed 70 A.D. “The people of the prince who is to come” are the Romans This prince makes a covenant, and then breaks it in the middle. 3 ½ 3 ½ He stops sacrifice and grain offerings
Daniel 9:26-27 There must be a temple On the wing of abominations comes one who makes desolate “Abomination of desolation” Matt. 24:15 The prince Daniel 9 The king Daniel 7 The beast Revelation All the same
Daniel 11:36-12:13 This king describes a world ruler at the end, just like Daniel 7 and 9 The end. The appointed time. This king exercises his authority and power He exalts himself above every god He speaks against the God of gods He has a limited amount of time He will be in Israel at the end time
Daniel 11:36-12:1-13 Edom, Moab and Ammon (modern day Jordan) escape him The king of the South = Egypt King of the North = Syria He comes to an end and no one helps him 12:1 “At that time” the time of this king, Michael arises. Michael is the angel of Israel and stands guard over them
Daniel 12 Time of great distress on Daniel’s people, Israel such as “has never occurred/has been since there was a nation” Matt. 24:21 Great Tribulation Those written in the book of life – rescued According to the “man dressed in linen” the tribulation will last 3 ½ years King of Daniel 7 Beast of Revelation 13 War is waged with the saints. Overpowered
Daniel 12 Many at that time: purged, purified and refined = rescued The wicked, those who do not understand are NOT rescued From the time of the abomination of desolation there are 1,290 days – 30 days longer than the 1,260 days in Revelation Those who reach 1,335 days are blessed: another 45 days difference Since Jesus’ coming ends the last 3 ½ years, the extra 75 days are within the 1,000 year reign of Revelation 20