Course Introduction 공학대학원 데이타베이스 Yonsei University 1st Semester, 2017 박상현
Course Goals The goal is to give a complete understanding of data storage and query processing mechanisms of typical database management systems The course gives detailed discussion on ① storage structure, ② indexing, ③ query processing, ④ transaction management, ⑤ recovery system and etc.
Prerequisite Basic computer science background Already took an introductory course on database systems Familiar with general database terminologies and database query language (SQL)
Web Site (class homepage) Syllabus, announcements, lecture notes, homework and solutions, useful links, etc. (textbook homepage)
Textbook A. Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011
Grades Midterm exam: 25% Final exam: 25% Homework: 25% Quiz: 20% 95% Attendance: 5% ‘F’ if absent more than 1/3 95%
Class Schedule (1/2) 1st week: Introduction 2nd week: Relational Model 3rd week: Structured Query Language (SQL) 4th week: Database Design, Quiz 1 5th week: Storage and File Structure 6th week: Indexing and Hashing 7th week: Special Topic 1 8th week: Midterm Exam
Class Schedule (2/2) 9th week: Query Processing 10th week: Query Optimization 11th week: Transactions 12th week: Concurrency Control, Quiz 2 13th week: Recovery System 14th week: Data Warehousing and Mining 15th week: Special Topic 2 16th week: Final Exam
Teaching Assistant Name: 성한승 Office: C533-1 (2123-7757) Email:
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