Math plus computer = electrified math! Noah Luke Hendren My Electrified Math
Can you solve this? obviously
Can you solve this? NO WAY! 2+2=?
Do you see this pattern? 5x10=50 5x100=500 5x1000=5000 5x10000=50000
The pattern is adding a zero The pattern is adding a zero. You can figure out a problem like those like this.
This is going to be our problem. First you do 5x5=25 This is going to be our problem. First you do 5x5=25. Then you add all the zeros of the problem at the end of 25. So it would be 2,500.
The Möbius Strip
As you will see in the next slides I will divide As you will see in the next slides I will divide. I will have thirteen cookies and I will share with you. All I had have to do is split the Oreos with you.
Your Cookies
My Cookies
How to Find an Average
First you add up all the numbers. So here 1+8+9=18
Then you divide the sum be the number of numbers in the problem. 18 divided by 3 equals 6. So that’s the answer!
Follow the Bouncing Ball A ball rebounds one half of the height from which it is dropped. Assume the ball is dropped from a building at a height of 138 feet. How far will the ball bounce up it when it bounces the fourth time?
8 ft!!!!!!!
Factors Factors are numbers that go into a number. If a number is even two will have to be a factor. For example 12. The factors of 12 are 2,3,4,6,1,12. Get it? If you don’t go onto the next slide.
Factors 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,2 1,3 2,1,4 1,5 3,2,1,6 1,7 4,2,1,8 3,1,9 5,2,1,10 1,11 6,2,1,12,3,4 1,13 7,2,1,14
Making Coins Into Fractions
$.25- 1 fourth-25 100 $.50- 1 half- 50 100 $.05- 1 twenty- 5 100 $.01- 1 hundred-1 hundred $1- 100 hundred- 1 $.10- 1 ten- 10 100
Tenths Hundreds ones Tens What’s the answer?
Fibonacci Numbers
The pattern is you add the number you’re on, to the number behind it.
Like This 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144
Now you name the next five numbers.
Get it, Good
Another funny pattern
11 2nd power 121 111 2nd power 12321 1111 2nd power 1234321 11111 2nd power 123454321 111111 2nd power 12345654321 1111111 2nd power 1234567654321 11111111 2nd power 123456787654321 111111111 2nd power 12345678987654321 1111111111 2nd power 135802468864197531 11111111111 2nd power 1493827157506172841 111111111111 2nd power 16432098732567901251 1111111111111 2nd power 180753086058246913761 11111111111111 2nd power 1988283946640716051371 111111111111111 2nd power 12345679012345654320987654321
Rider of the Jungle Cat
You have to make both riders sit on the jungle cats correctly.
This is the puzzle solved
My five times tables
5 x 1 = 5
5 x 2 = 10
5 x 3 = 15
5 x 4 = 20
5 x 5 = 25
5 x 6 = 30
5 x 7 = 35
5 x 8 = 40
5 x 9 = 45
5 x 10 = 50
5 x 11 = 55
5 x 12 = 60
My Six Times Tables
6 x 1 = 6
6 x 2 = 12
6 x 3 = 18
6 x 4 = 24
6 x 5 = 30
6 x 6 = 36
6 x 7 = 42
6 x 8 = 48
6 x 9 = 54
6 x 10 = 60
6 x 11 = 66
6 x 12 = 72
Rounding to the Nearest Thousand 1,500 1,400 1,600 1,700 1,300 1,200 1,800 1,100 1,900 2,000 1,000
Rounding to the nearest ten 5 6 7 4 8 3 2 9 1 10
What is the number in the middle?
78 80 76
4,000 3,500 3,000
50 100
1,000 500
500,000 1,000,000
The Diameter
The Circumference
The Radius
4 = 0.4 = 10
5 = 0.5 = 10
10 = 1 = 0.10 = 1.0 = 10
1 = 0.1 = 10
How Many Days Froggie fell down a ten foot well. He tries to hop out. It doesn’t work. He has to climb out. Every day he climbs 3 feet and every night he falls back 2 feet. How many days will it take Froggie to climb out? Stay tuned to find out the answer.
7!!! How many days? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 bottom
Areas and Perimeter The area of a shape is the space inside a shape. The perimeter is the length around the shape. In the next few slides I will show both the area and perimeter.
Now that was the perimeter
Let’s go again. This time you guess what the perimeter is. Yes, you are right.! Let’s go again. This time you guess what the perimeter is. You say it’s 14? Let’s see if your right.
This time you think it’s 20. let’s check this last time.
What is the area of the rug? 13.6 meters 10. 7 meters
145. 52 sq ft, THAT’S RIGHT!
How to find Volume
You do the length times the width times the height.
Now I will show you an example.
24 cubic cm, that’s right!!! What is the answer? Height 3 cm Length Width 4 cm
Since you’re doing so good let’s make you do a cube.
The length is 4 the width is 4 and the height is 4. What is the volume?
64, wow you’re on fire. Well I guess that’s it on volume, bye!
Change over time with two gasoline stations.
Geometric shapes 2D and 3D My Math Shapes Geometric shapes 2D and 3D
Small Red Square
Medium Green Circle
Large Blue Rectangle
Medium Orange Pentagon
Small Turquoise Hexagon
Medium Dark Red Trapezoid
Large Teal Triangle
Small Pink Cylinder
Medium Yellow Cube
Shapes that Aren’t Polygons
Block Ark
Points, Lines, and Segments
Line Segment
Parallel Lines
Intersecting Lines
Right angle The right angle
Acute angle 90 0 mark
Obtuse angle 90 0 mark
180/0 Degree Angle
No equal sides and no equal angles called the scalene triangle
Triangle with one right angle called the right triangle The right angle
At least two equal sides and at least two equal angles called the isosceles triangle
3 equal sides and angles called the equilateral triangle
Prime and Composite Numbers A prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and one, for example 3. 3 can only be divided by 3 and 1. Composite numbers are numbers that can be divided by one, that number, and any other number(s). In the next few slides I will show you numbers and you have to guess if it’s Prime or Composite.
Prime! 13
Composite! 26
Neither! 1
Non tessellation
9 squares can tessellate
5 triangles can tessellate
Vons Pears Pounds 3 6 9 12 Cost $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 $4.00
liter Milliliter
Percentage A percentage can be something from discount on clothes, to a grade on your report card. A common percentage is 50%. It is the same as saying . In the next few slides I will try my best to explain more about percentage. Watch and learn!!! 50 100
50 50% = 100
Combining Like Terms 3y + 4y = 7y 9y – 2y = 7y 5y x 1y = 5y . 10y
4 1
4 1
4 1 3
4 1 3
3 4 1 3
3 4 1 3
Mixed Numbers A mixed number is a fraction combined with a whole number. For example 1 . The one is the whole number, and the was the fraction. In the next few slides I will show you some mixed fractions 2 3 4 3 4
This equals : 1 3 4 Or 3.3
In the next slides I will teach you how to do a algebra puzzle.
This is what it will look like when you get started. In these puzzles you have to figure out what the different shapes secret number is. How you know what they stand for is by the numbers on the right and bottom. See those oranges, they are thirteen because 39 divided by 3 is 13. Then you raise the bar on the right to the number that they stand for, Then you can solve the rest of the puzzle.
Real Algebra In the next slide I will show you how to figure out the following problem. One number is four times another. Their sum is 55. Find the numbers.
First you make a variable, for example x. X plus 4x =20. Then you add the x’s so in this problem we have five x’s. Then you see how many times 5 goes into twenty and you get four. So x equals 4. So that means 4x equals 16. so your answer is 4 and 16. Then if you want you can celebrate.
This can be a teachers way of saying 3X4=__ this is called a math triangle. ? 3 4 ____
This is a new 2009 penny.
E PLURIBUS UNUM means one out of many. It has a mass of 2 grams. Its circumference is 6.28318 cm. Its diameter is 2 centimeters. Its radius is one centimeter. Its area is 3.14159. It has 2.5 % copper (CU). It has 97.5% of zinc (ZN).
The Never Satisfied Shape
First the shape was a point First the shape was a point. He was very happy getting to be in a lot of different places. But soon, he was tired of being a point so he went to the shape shifter. The point
Then the shape shifter turned him into a ray Then the shape shifter turned him into a ray. He was happy being a line all around the world. But soon he was tired of being a ray so he went to the shape shifter.
Next the shape shifter turned him into a line Next the shape shifter turned him into a line. He was very happy being a line and traveling in the air. Soon he was tired of being a line so he went to the shape shifter.
Next the shape shifter turned him into an angle Next the shape shifter turned him into an angle. He was happy getting to be in cool places like a computer screen. Soon he was tired of being an angle so he went to the shape shifter.
Soon the shape shifter had turned him into a triangle Soon the shape shifter had turned him into a triangle. He was satisfied being a triangle and getting to go to Egypt in pyramid form. Soon he was tired of being a triangle so he visited the shape shifter
Next he was turned into a square. He definitely liked being a T. V Next he was turned into a square. He definitely liked being a T.V. Although he could turn into such cool things he soon was bored so he visited the shape shifter.
The shape shifter turned him into a pentagon The shape shifter turned him into a pentagon. There wasn’t much to do so he decided to be in a children’s text book. He easily got bored so he went to the shape shifter.
Next the shape shifter turned him into a hexagon Next the shape shifter turned him into a hexagon. He got to be honey comb. But of course, soon he got bored and went to the shape shifter.
Next he was turned into a heptagon and was a quilt Next he was turned into a heptagon and was a quilt. But he was bored so he went to the shape shifter.
Next he was a octagon. He really enjoyed being this octagonal Rubik’s cube but got bored. So he soon went to the shape shifter.
Next the shape shifter turned him into a nonagon Next the shape shifter turned him into a nonagon. He soon was bored of being wrote on teacher’s black bored so he went back to the shape shifter for the last time.
Next the shape shifter turned him back into a triangle and he chose never to change again.
Bar Graph A bar graph is a type of graph used to show data/info.
Century 100 years century 100 years 1 year
Congruent Parallel/same.
Pair A pair of some thing is two objects that belong together, for example your socks and shoes come in pairs.
Decade Ten years. 10 years 1 year
Denominator The bottom number on a fraction. 1 10
Diameter A line going through the center of a circle.
Digit the numbers zero through 9. 3 1 5
Graph A graph is object used to sort or compare data.
Hexagon A shape/polygon with six sides and angles .
Mixed Number A number with leftovers, for example one and one tenth. 1 10
Numerator The top part of a fraction. 5 10
Octagon A shape/polygon that has eight edges and sides.
Odd Numbers Numbers that can’t be divided evenly. 3,1,7,9 etc.
Parallel Lines Lines with the same length.
Pentagon A shape/polygon with 5 sides and points.
Perimeter The distance around a object.
Polygon A 2 dimensional closed object/shape that has strait sides and edges and points.
Right Angle A angle with 900 degrees. A right angle can be found in a right triangle. 900
Dozen 12 A dozen circles
Triangle A polygon with 3 sides and 3 points.
Gross 144 12x12 equals a gross. x 12 = a gross
Bakers Dozen Normally a dozen is twelve but if you get a bakers dozen your lucky because that means they give you one free out of kindness. + = 13
Fortnight 14 days, a fortnight since I’ve washed my hands.
Score 20, it’s been a score years since I’ve brushed my teeth.
Millennium 1,000 years, it’s been a millennium since a meteor has hit the earth. 100 x 100 = a millennium
This is an inch.