Articulation 101 Fall 2016
Step 1 Do the units from the course transfer? CSU UC Course credit CC determine UC – submit in June, results in July (TCA) Importance of thorough COR – recent textbook, lab manual, etc
Step 2 Do the units from the course count towards General Education (GE)? CSU UC Course credit CC determine UC – submit in June, results in July CSU GE CSU determine – submit in Dec IGETC CSU and UC determine- submit in Dec Each course is reviewed by 3 reviewers (both CC and CSU articulation officers) using the Guiding Notes as a reference. Detailed COR is absolutely critical here. Local AA GE comes from CSU approval. For IGETC – course must already be UC transferable Results available in ~April.
Do the units count towards the major at the 4-yr school? Step 3 Do the units count towards the major at the 4-yr school? CSU UC Course credit CC determine UC – submit in June, results in July CSU GE CSU determine – submit in Dec IGETC CSU and UC determine- submit in Dec Course level Individual schools determine For course articulation to a UC – must already be UC transferable Most UCs request both the COR and a recent syllabus – goes out for faculty review, any time of year, can happen quickly (1 week) or slowly (more than a year)
Summary CSU UC Course credit CC determine UC – submit in June, results in July CSU GE CSU determine – submit in Dec IGETC CSU and UC determine- submit in Dec Course level Individual schools determine
What is C-ID and how does it help? Course identification numbering system CSU/CC faculty write a descriptor, which is vetted by faculty in both systems CC submit courses to review – Are they equivalent to the descriptor? Review by both CSU and CC discipline faculty – can take up to 2 years for review, some disciplines are pickier than others Course can be approved, conditionally approved or not approved Prerequisites and units on the descriptor are the minimum Now seeing course to course articulation based on C-ID approvals and also seeing interest from UC faculty Understanding of the reduction in workload for course articulation
Test your understanding 1) A new biology course is approved by the Cañada College curriculum committee in Sept. 2016. When is the earliest that it could be articulated for the Biology major at San Jose State University? 2) …for GE at San Jose State? 3) What if the course was approved by the curriculum committee in April 2016? CSU UC Course credit CC determine UC – submit in June CSU GE CSU determine – submit in Dec IGETC CSU and UC determine- submit in Dec Course level Individual schools determine
Test your understanding 1) A new biology course is approved by the Cañada College curriculum committee in Sept. 2016. When is the earliest that it could be articulated for the Biology major at UC Davis? 2) …for GE at UC Davis? 3) What if the course was approved by the curriculum committee in April 2016? CSU UC Course credit CC determine UC – submit in June CSU GE CSU determine – submit in Dec IGETC CSU and UC determine- submit in Dec Course level Individual schools determine