Name of Choice and Dear Colleague Letter Update Aiden Powell Program Coordinator, LGBTQ Center
LGBTQIA LIFE AT PURDUE EDUCATION | ADVOCACY | COMMUNITY 6500 – 7000 LGBTQIA students at Purdue Community Space Training Policy Change & Guidance Inclusive on-campus restrooms, locker rooms, & housing Academic Engagement Events & Programs Highlight some policies, practices, etc that we have in place to support and include LGBTQ+ people (include exhaustive list in Safe Zone packet?); list some action steps (attending events, stopping by the LGBTQ Center, encouraging others to attend Safe Zone, seek out more information and How does Safe Zone support inclusivity? At Purdue, we are addressing heterosexism and pursuing equity The LGBTQ Center can address institutional heterosexism, but we need Safe Zone trained allies to address individual heterosexism to create the cultural shift necessary for an equitable campus keep learning) LGBTQ Center: Schleman Hall, Rm. 230 | M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm
TRANS IDENTITIES A transgender person is a person whose actual gender identity does not match the gender identity/sex they were assigned at birth. Binary v. non-binary Socially Transitioning Medically/Physically Transitioning Legally Transitioning Microaggressions
American College Health Associaton - NCHA
TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972 “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Sets a minimum baseline for how trans people should be treated in educational settings that receive federal funding. All University staff, faculty, and students must comply with Title IX
TRANS AND NON-BINARY PURDUE STUDENTS, STAFF, AND FACULTY Should use the restroom and locker room consistent with their gender identity Should be addressed by the name and pronouns consistent with their gender identity Should be housed consistent with their gender identity Trans people cannot be required to use only gender- inclusive facilities Do not ask someone to reveal their transgender status or share their status with others …Regardless of their state or federal ID documents