Nerve Cells have long projections to help them carry messages.
An electron scanning microscope shows the exterior structure of the red blood cells, left. Red Blood Cells are red because they contain iron in their hemoglobin, which is the molecule that enables them to carry oxygen to all the cells. How does their streamlined shape allow them to flow easily through the blood vessels? When viewed through a light microscope, red blood cells look flat, above.
There are many types of White Blood Cells There are many types of White Blood Cells. The purple color is from the stain used to view them under a light microscope. Left: large white blood cells among the smaller red blood cells (light microscope) View through electron microscope, below:
Muscle Cells There are three types of muscle cells: Smooth Skeletal Cardiac All muscle cells have the ability to contract!
There are four different types of Bone Cells.
Squamous cells (from the inner cheek) These cells look pinkish-purple because of the stain used on them so they can be seen under the microscope.