Industry Updates Association of California Airports September 14, 2017 Presented By: Stacy Howard, Western Regional Representative, NBAA Melissa McCaffrey, Western Pacific Regional Manager, AOPA
Foster an environment where business aviation can thrive Education Domestic and International regulations Safety & Security Flight department management Airport Protection & Promotion Customs Planning & Zoning Compliance and Legal Advocacy Collaboration with state and local groups Proactive and responsive to media sources Leadership on national issues
Foster an environment where business aviation can thrive FAA Reauthorization bill that protects and enhances access Support all airports as part of a national system Mobilize local and regional general aviation groups Outreach to policy leaders and broader community
Bring NBAA to your doorstep Personal Relevant Essential
Five year depletion of the Airports and Airways Trust Fund under HR2997
ASN program now managed by Regional Managers AOPA in California Southern California- Ambassador Rusty Pilots comprehensive program, helps you get current again free seminars sponsored by local flight schools Flying Clubs save money great access to aircraft spend time with friends and family High School Initiative help build and sustain aviation STEM programs in high schools Insert Header In Area Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad CA Stats. ASN in CA CA Aviation Caucus FAA Active Pilots: 59,213 AOPA Members: 34,236 Total GA aircraft: 29,000 Public Use Airports: 257 ASN program now managed by Regional Managers 170 ASNVs 36 Members 14 Senators 22 Representatives
THE CHANNEL AOPA FILES OFFICIAL COMPLAINTS OVER FBO FEES On Aug. 28, AOPA, along with seven affected pilots, filed FAA Part 13 complaints over egregious FBO pricing practices at 5 airports nationwide. Why? Sole FBO on the field Controls all transient ramp space & fuel services FBO acts as a monopoly and possesses significant power over access to a public airport AOPA believes each FBO has failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect the airport for pubic use through fair and reasonable pricing FAA responsibility and authority to ensure airports are complying with grant obligations agreed upon when accepting federal funding through AIP include requiring their FBOs to charge reasonable and nondiscriminatory pricing for each aeronautical service rendered AOPA believes each FBO has failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect the airport for public use through reasonable and fair pricing WP Airports of concern THE CHANNEL INCREASED NORTH AMERICAN DISTRIBUTION 50%
Privatization and H.R.2997 AOPAs Concerns: Threaten the safest, busiest, and most complex airspace in the world Create a too-big-to fail monopoly that will need taxpayer bailouts Cost tens of billions of dollars Disproportionally hurt rural America and general aviation Increase costs for both travelers and taxpayers Not affect airline delays – 80% are caused by airlines and weather There is no consensus for HR 2997 because of the unintended consequences and risks Similar reforms in other countries have led to the decline in general aviation Canada UK Germany Michael Erb, vice president of the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations in Europe and managing director of AOPA Germany: GA in Europe is treated like a second-class citizen: “We are given a lower priority over the needs of the airlines.” What's Next? Congress will be considering a vote on H.R.2997 this September Spread the word to reach out to your House Rep. GA groups will continue to rally together- latest version of GA united letter 146 groups