Dear author, please note that the short oral presentation is limited to 5 minutes and 4 slides as predefined: Title Objectives Methods Results (delete this notice after reading) The Economic Potential of Industrial Heritage Re–Use and Private Investment Petra BOUDOVÁ Department of Theory and History of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture CTU Prague,
Objectives Current efforts to redevelop industrial wastelands and abandoned buildings raises broader views than just architectural and construction issues. Will intervention bring positive or negative impact on the socio-economic development and status of the areas? How can we manage development of industrial heritage sites in order to get the best results relative to sustainability, socio-cultural benefits and return on investment? Is it there the future for private investment in alternative uses of industrial architecture ? Can we find a progressive new model?
Methods Pilsen examples Two types of case studies have been used during the study. The first group includes three examples of successfully completed projects - they are presented architectural conversions of industrial buildings implemented by the private investor and supported by large initial investments. The second group of examples presented the projects that are trying to minimize the initial investment and linking culture and the competitive clusters based on creative businesses. Pilsen examples Pilsen Paper Mill DEPO 2015 Pilsen Station Community
Results Urban interventions, recycling, cooperation with volunteers – this is nowadays a pattern of revitalization of neglected space. In recent years repeatedly proven strategies have been moving closer to the cultural mainstream, they are also initiated by the marketers. The projects generated by the European Capital of Culture campaign in Pilsen are the typical example of industrial areas adaptive reuse becoming a marketing tool. These projects were created by the time and within this event in Pilsen and they are presented as successfully implemented examples. In Pilsen were opened 5 new revitalised previously abandoned industrial places in last 3 years, 3 of them supported by private investment. Reuse of industrial buildings offers new suitable space for city activities and it is an important part of regeneration programme. Business focusing to digital and cultural sectors, networking and education have been finding here inspirational space for work. Increasing number of designing public space in surrounding areas of these projects improves and enriches live of local communities.