Making Research Stick By John, Tom and Joanne.


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Presentation transcript:

Making Research Stick By John, Tom and Joanne

Research schools - Why bother? David Hargreaves argued: Research should have an impact Accademia was not making the most of its knowledge to help schools improve School based practitioners (teachers doing their own research) lead to improvements in school and in their own practice

Models of Assessment in English Cross Phase Collaboration Case Studies - Our experience of researching in school Gender Gap What I found out: - The gap is historic, and across almost every subject - Boys respond well to data - Should not frame success of girls as failings of boys Impact: - Programme of assertive mentoring set-up - KS3 boys targeted = improved attainment Models of Assessment in English What I found out: - Disparity between teacher assumptions and pupil perceptions - Pupils don’t seem to mind which model of assessment is used - Exam style assessments were very popular Impact: - End of unit exam style tests introduced - Summative end of KS3 tests introduced John’s Timeline of research: Life After Levels What I found out: - The rationale is very sound - Unresolvable conflict between not giving levels and the prescience of the final exam Impact: - Input in subject leaders meeting - Flight path model adopted Cross Phase Collaboration What I found out: - Initial scepticism/cynicism gives way to overwhelming positivity - Much to learned from both parties - Desperately need to capitalise on prior learning at KS2 Impact: - Direct changes in KS3 SoW - Action research continuing in at least two schools in 2017/18

Case Studies - Our experience of researching in school Aspirational target setting What I found out: Inconsistency on how targets are set Data not applicable to some subjects (Performing arts …) Impact: More consistency cross school Models of Assessment in Science What I found out: Which model was most successful Pupil and teacher perception Necessity to use prior research Impact: New formative models trialled and evaluated and fed into departmental policy. Results discussed in assessment working party Tom’s Timeline of research: Cross Phase Collaboration What I found out: Mistrust between phases Difficult to find time for Science Difficult to collaborate Primaries only use teacher assessment Impact: Data is discounted Formative approaches are being trialled Interest to develop cross phase links from primaries Life After Levels What I found out: Reason for assessment Government intervention What next ….. Impact: Impact in assessment workign party

Question we were left with: How can we take this forward and establish a research culture in our setting?

Identifying the barriers to engaging other schools Time - everyone Money - leaders in schools Teachers who are not confident We decided to ….seek funding! EEF and Laurel trust “If you are a vibrant community of schools committed to research and innovation to improve teaching, learning and leadership, we can help”.

External school TBC Before SIG 1 St Richards’ Research Leaders (RLs) meet with facilitators. Focus of session “Why research?” and methodologies. RLs Share powerpoint /materials for the facilitators to use in their initial sessions. 26/09/16 SIG 1 Introduce research led CPD “This is what we’re doing and why.” Look at the data. Facilitators use the power point and resources. Participants to get into triads/pairs to work on a theme linked to the SIG. 24/11/16 SIG 2 Methodologies – introduce and discuss these advantages/ disadvantages (focus group, questionnaires etc.) Trial them all during the session and decide which one to use. 16/01/16 SIG 3 Decide the focus of the research. Come up with a research question. Prepare the method that was chosen in session 2 (eg write the questionnaire/ interview questions etc.) Plan when the data will be collected. Between SIG 3 and 4 Participants collect the data. RLs meet with facilitators regarding data analysis. RLs share power point and resources regarding analysis. 16/03/16 SIG 4 Participants come with data, complete analysis and feedback. (What was particularly interesting? etc.) Feedback to PDSM. 04/05/16 SIG 5 Groups pull all the information together and indicate actions to be taken as a result of what the research tells them and/or what actions they have already taken as a result of the research outcomes. Research actions should link into PDSM and Department Improvement Plans going forward. Each triad to produce an overview, ie represent what they have done in poster form and what they have found out, to showcase their work for the final session. CPD lead to collect all the information (research questions, methodologies used, data collected, outcomes of the research and actions to be taken) and put together a booklet to showcase the work. 22/06/16 SIG 6 Groups showcase their work in poster presentations displayed around the hall.

Early adopters - Research Team and Questions: Teacher 1 - Science: How can we best support PP pupils in Science? Teacher 2 - Maths: Why are lower attainers and PP pupils making less progress in Maths compared to the rest of the cohort? Teacher 3 - MFL: What rewards and sanctions for homework would motivate persistent homework offenders in MFL? Teacher 4 - Drama: Why is drama more popular with girls? What is the impact of verbal learning in drama on literacy? Teacher 5 - English How can we best support pupil premium pupils to make outstanding progress in English lang and lit? Should PP pupils be aware of their status?

Research Team: Transition Projects Teacher 6 - English: Effective differentiation across both ends of the ability range? Teacher 7 - History: Use of sources in transition in History Teacher 8 - Science: Team teaching a revision lesson on inheritance/evolution

First round of action research Schedule Meeting 1: Launch Researchers come up with research question Meeting 2: Discuss research questions and participants Researchers decide on research tool and sample size Meeting 3: Co-construct research tool Researchers collect data Meeting 4: Analyse data Researchers make a poster/PPT Meeting 5: Present findings First round of action research

First round of action research Researchers’ homework Schedule Meeting 1: Launch Researchers come up with research question Meeting 2: Discuss research questions and participants Researchers decide on research tool and sample size Meeting 3: Co-construct research tool Researchers collect data Meeting 4: Analyse data Researchers make a poster/PPT Meeting 5: Present findings First round of action research We are here!

Laurel Trust Collaboration with local academy run primaries to establish a research culture: John: SLT intervention Tom: Computer based intervention in Maths

Action Research Spiral

Action Research Spiral Next steps: Continuation of some projects. E.g. MFL and Science Inset to repeat and expand Research Leaders group