Smart Kalyan-Dombivli Development Corporation Limited (SKDCL)


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Presentation transcript:

Smart Kalyan-Dombivli Development Corporation Limited (SKDCL) Review meeting: 19th June 2017 Smart Kalyan-Dombivli Development Corporation Limited (SKDCL)

Review: Implementation of Smart Cities Mission Maharashtra Date of review – June 19th, 2017

SPV and PMC Name of City Date of establishment of SPV # of Human Resource appointment Date of issue of LOI of PMC No. of RfPs completed by PMC CEO CFO CS Others Kalyan Dombivli 01st September 2016 Appointed Statutory auditor appointed Approved on 24/05/17 for Smart city. 2 RFPs* (Packages) Mr. Digvijay Chavan has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. M/s D A Kamat firm has been appointed as Company Secretary. M/s CRISIL Risk & Infrastructure Solution Ltd. Has been given acceptance letter for appointment as Principal Consultant to SKDCL. M/s DIMTS has been given acceptance letter for appointment as DPR & PMC consultant for Station area Precinct development. *2 RFPs of total length 1.9km out of total network length 83 km has been floated by SKDCL Survey work for balance network in progress.

Funds City name Central share transferred (in Cr.) State share transferred Equity to be enhanced to Rs. 200 cr PFMS opened (Yes/No) Kalyan Dombivli 02.00 (15/06/16) - Yes 90.00 (23/03/17) 45.00 (23/03/17) 02.00 (25/05/17) 96.00 (01/06/17) 48.00 (01/06/17) Total 190 93 As on 19th June 2017 SKDCL received total funds-283 Cr PFMS Account no -20301008844 (ICICI Bank)

Projects- Modules, packages Prepared from separate project City Name Project Proposed in SCP(Total No) Convergence Possible(No) Not Possible (No) Details Kalyan Dombivli 25 9 16 Integration with AMRUT, Swachha Bharat Mission, project implementation

Project Status 1 ABD Projects 16 Rs. 1644 Cr. 2 Pan City Projects 9 Sr. No. Category No. Of Projects Cost 1 ABD Projects 16 Rs. 1644 Cr. 2 Pan City Projects 9 Rs. 383 Cr. TOTAL 25 Rs. 2027 Cr.

Project – ABD Status City Name Project Proposed (No.) RFP under Preparation (No.) Work Started (No.) Tendered Kalyan Dombivli 16 12 3* 1 *3 project initiated: Waste segregation – HH collection + IEC 10 MT Bio-methanation plant Closure of Adharwadi dumping site *1 project tendered: Smart Streets – 2 RFPs of total length 1.9 km out of 83 km have been floated. Survey work for balance network is in progress.

ABD Project Sr. No. Category No. Of Projects Cost 1 ABD Projects Total a) Convergence Projects 9 Rs. 683 Cr. b) Smart City Projects 6 Rs. 771 Cr. c) PPP Projects Rs. 190 Cr. Total Rs. 1644 Cr.

Area Based Development ABD projects Sr. No Area Based Development Rs. in Cr. Status 1 Kalyan station precinct improvement 427 DPR under preparation 2 Network of complete streets 35 RFP for phase-II under preparation 3 Junction design 5 4 Development of 2km long waterfront 24 4a Bio-filter green house for waste water 4b Solar panels and LED lights 6.5 4c Security infrastructure 4d Flood protection wall Closure of Adharvadi dumpsite 31 Project initiated (convergence) 6 10 MT bio-methanation plant-Adharwadi 7 Garbage bins at HH level foe segregation & IEC campaign 18 8 Processing and treatment at Umbarde (waste to energy) 190 DPR under preparation (PPP) 9 Augmentation of sewerage network 12.6 DPR under preparation (convergence) 10 Augmentation of pumping station capacity 12

Area Based Development SCP core projects Sr. No Area Based Development Rs. In Crores Status 11 Installation of grid connection solar PV panels 20.8 DPR under preparation (convergence) 12 Laying of underground cables 19.2 13 Installation of smart meters at HH level 30.16 14 Lake interlinking and realigning of storm water drains 120 DPR under preparation 15 Development of lake precinct 1.5 16 Preparation of town planning scheme 147 * MMRDA and MSRDC ring road 536 Independent Projects (convergence)

Visible, Feel, Experience projects City Name Smart Road in Areas (ABD) (No’s) Implementation Statues Smart Integrated Command & Control center Kalyan Dombivli 83 Km complete road network Phase-1 (2 No's) of RFP published on 05th June 2017 *Details of RFP Yet to be started *RFP-1 ( Upgradation of Kalyan Murbad road from KDMT bus depot to Karnik road into pedestrian friendly smart road) *RFP-2 ( Upgradation of Durgadi Fort to Patripool into pedestrian friendly smart road)

Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) Appointment of Contractor CORE PROJECTS IN ABD STATUS AND TIME FRAME Project No. Name of Project Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) DPR prepared Tender Launch Appointment of Contractor Completion of Project Status as on (May 2017) 1 Kalyan Station Area Precinct Improvement 427 Oct. 2017 Nov.2017 Jan.2018 Mar.2020 M/s DIMMTS with Consortium with M/s Tractebel appointed as a DPR & PMC consultant on 22/05/2017 2 Network of Complete Streets 35 Jun. 2017 Dec.2018 Survey & Design for Phase-I is completed & RFP for appointment of Contractor expected to be published on 5th June 3 Junction Design 5 Phase-I Survey and design work in progresss 4 Development of 2 KM long water front 24 Aug. 2017 Sep. 2017 Nov. 2017 Demolition of encroachments has been intiated as ground works for the implementation of the waterfront & propose to be added 1.5km more & combined RFP for Sr. No. 4, 4a, 4d is under preparation 4a Bio-filter green house for waste water Demolition of encroachments has been initiated as ground works for the implementation of the waterfront & propose to be added 1.5km more & combined RFP for Sr. No. 4, 4a, 4d is under preparation 4b Solar panels and LED lights 7 EOI for appointment of vendor is finalized & will float in June 2017 4c Security Infrastructures Not started (Part of waterfront development) will be done along with Sr. No. 4.

Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) Appointment of Cotractor CORE PROJECTS IN ABD STATUS AND TIME FRAME Project No. Name of Project Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) DPR prepared Tender Launch Appointment of Cotractor Completion of Project Status as on (May 2017) 4d Flood Protection Wall 2 Aug. 2017 Sep. 2017 Nov. 2017 Dec.2018 Demolition of encroachments has been initiated as ground works for the implementation of the waterfront & propose to be added 1.5km more & combined RFP for Sr. No. 4, 4a, 4d is under preparation 13 Lake interlinking realigning of storm water drains 120 Mar.2019 DPR preparation under process 14 Development of lake precinct 1.5 Survey has been started & DPR will prepare accordingly 16 Development of social and trunk infrastructure in town planning scheme for the area 155 Mar.2018 May.2019 Jun.2020 The proposed infrastructure works are part of the town planning scheme. (Proposal for declaration of intention is submitted to GB & got approval on 20th April 2017) Plan preparation is in progress

Convergence Project in ABD Components Costs (Rs. crore) Implementation timeframe Funding source Installation of grid connected solar PV panels Rs. 20.8 Aug 2017-Dec 2018 Solar city mission / smart city funds Laying of underground cables - Conversion of 80 km overhead wires to underground wires Rs. 19.2 Aug 2017-Jun 2019 IPDS/ smart city funding Installation of smart meters at HH level Rs. 30.6 2017-2019 MSW projects Closure of Adharvadi dumpsite Rs. 31 SBM 10 MT bio-methenation plannt at Wadeghar Rs. 2 2017-2018 Garbage bins at hh level + segregation & IEC campaign Rs. 18 Name of Ministry/Department/ Others No’s of Project Cost of Project (s) Status Urban Development Department, GoI 1* 200 cr. Waiting for HPC approval

Implementation timeframe Convergence Project in ABD Components Costs (Rs. crore) Implementation timeframe Funding source Augmentation of sewerage network Rs. 12.6 2017-2018 AMRUT Augmentation of pumping station Rs. 12 MMRDA and MSRDC ring road (not part of the SCP core projects) Rs. 536 2017-2020 MMRDA and MSRDC

CONVERGENCE PROJECTS STATUS AND TIME FRAME Project No. Name of Project Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) DPR prepared Tender Launch Appointment of Contractor Completion of Project Status as on (May 2017) 5 Closure of Adharwdi Dumpsite 31   May-17 Dec.2018 M/s. Saurashtra Enviro Project Pvt. Ltd. Awarded work on 17/04/2017 & partly site handed over to vendor & Topographical survey works in progress. 6 10 MT bio-methanisation plant at Umbarde 2 Mar.2018 Civil works & Procurement of Mechanical & Electrical elements completed & Installation works in progress 18 Additional 6100 garbage bins will distribute in next 3 months Garbage Bins at HH legel for segregation and IEC campaign - 2nd call for appointment of agency for IEC campaign has been issued and the bid evaluation is in process 8 Augmentation of Sewerage Network 12.6 Aug. 2017 Oct.2017 Jun.2018 DPR approved & tender preparation work in progress 9 Augmentation of Pumping Station Capacity 12 10 Installation of grid connection solar PV panels 20.8 Nov.2017 Discussion with empanelled consultants under Ministry of Power in progress & EOI as per SECI guideline is prepared & will float in June 2017 11 Laying of underground cables 19.2 Under convergence MSEDCL to implement it. Jun.2019 Consultations with MSEDCL has been initiated for installation of smart electric meters Installation of smart electric meters at HH level 30.16

Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) Appointment of Contractor PPP PROJECTS STATUS AND TIME FRAME Project No. Name of Project Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) DPR prepared Tender Launch Appointment of Contractor Completion of Project Status as on (May 2017) 7 Processing and treatment at Umbarade (waste to energy) 190 May-17 Mar.2018 Jun.2018 Jun.2020 Urban Development Department of GoM is in the process of preparing the guidelines for undertaking waste to energy projects in Maharashtra. Post receipt of the guidelines, the corporation will issue RFP

Total (Pan city projects) Pan-city solution Cost  Status 1 City Service Management Centre- My City App 36.00 Agency yet to be appointed 2 City Service Management Centre- Smart water management 118.00 3 City Service Management Centre- Sewerage management 4.25 4 City Service Management Centre- Automated solid waste management 1.43 5 City Service Management Centre- Grievance Redressal 0.00 6 Intelligent traffic management system 32.71 7 Transit management- Vehicle tracking GPS for buses 53.55 8 Parking management- wifi enabled parking meters 13.00 9 Safety and surveillance system 125.00 Total (Pan city projects) Rs. 383.00 Cr.

Projects- Pan City Solution City Name Project Proposed (No.) RFP under Preparation (No.) Work Started (No.) Physical Progress (% Completed) Kalyan Dombivli 9 1* - Works initiated: City Service Management Centre- My City App City Service Management Centre- Smart water management City Service Management Centre- Sewerage management City Service Management Centre- Automated solid waste management City Service Management Centre- Grievance Redressal Intelligent traffic management system Transit management- Vehicle tracking GPS for buses Parking management- wifi enabled parking meters Safety and surveillance system *Single RFP to be prepared, which shall include the components for all 9 projects

PAN CITY PROJECTS STATUS AND TIME FRAME Project No. Name of Project Cost as per SCP (in Rs. Cr.) DPR prepared Tender Launch Appointment of Cotractor Completion of Project Status as on (May 2017) 17 City Service Management Centre -My City App 36 Nov.2017 Dec.2017 Mar.2018 March.2019 Assessment of legacy systems in progress 18 City Service Management Centre Smart Water Management 118 19 City Service Management Centre - Sewerage Management 4.25 20 City Service Management Centre - Automated solid waste management 1.43 21 City Service Management Centre - Greivance Redressal It is inclusive of the City Management Services, hence no separate cost is provided (Not started) 22 Intelligent Traffic Management System 32.71 DPR is under preparation 23 Transit Management - Vehicle tracking GPS for buses 53.55 RFP is prepared & finalization /Approval is in progress 24 Parking Management - wifi enabled parking meters 13 Parking policy as per MMC Act submitted to GB for approval 25 Safety and surveillance system -CCTV vameras -LED street lights 125 DPR for CCTV already prepared and approved by GoM. RFP for appointment of vendor for installation in progress - Discussion with EESL in progress for signing of MoU for installation of LED street lights

Progress in Appointment of Transaction Advisor Rating & Bond City name Credit Rating Status Bond’s issue- plan Progress in Appointment of Transaction Advisor Kalyan Dombivli A+ rating has been awarded to the KDMC Municipal Bond rating is ongoing Appointed ICICI Bank Ltd.

PPPs and JVs City name Proposed PPP in SCP (Total No’s) Proposed Started (No’s) Likely date of bidding Proposed Private Finance (Rs. Crore) in bidding Kalyan Dombivli Waste to Energy project Nil To Be Decided Rs. 190 Cr.

Capacity Building for Urban Development City Name Status of VCF Policy Revision Status of Property Tax Rationalization Status of NRW Reduction Status of Waste Water Recycling Kalyan Dombivli NA Tender is awarded, work is In Progress In progress Tenders in process

Milestone for 25 June 2017 No. of projects likely to be started - No. of projects likely to be completed List of visible and felt outcomes for people Smart streets (Network of complete streets) – Total 83 KM of smart street network are proposed in Smart City proposal 2 No.s of RFP’s of total 1.9 KM are tendered Tenders are invited and will be opened on 21-06-2017 Survey work for balance network is in progress.

Details of utilisation and unspent balances as on 1st June 2017 Monthly report on unspent balance for the Month of June-2017 in r/o Smart cities Mission (In Crores) Out of funds released during 2015-16 and 2016-17 Out of funds released during 2017-18 Name of the scheme implement-ing agency Funds released during 2015-16 and 2016-17 Funds utilised out of released fund during 2015-16 and 2016-17 Unspent amount of funds released during 2015-16 and 2016-17 Funds released during 2017-18 Funds utilised out of released fund during 2017-18 up to 1/06/2017 Unspent amount of funds released during 2017-18 up to 1/06/2017 Total unspent fund as on 01/06/2017 SKDCL 139.00 0.92 138.08 144.00 - 282.08

Monthly expenditure plan (MEP)/Quarterly Expenditure plan (QEP) for last quarter 2017-18 (April-June) and next quarter 2017-18 (July-Sept) Month April-17 May-17 June-17 July-17 Aug-17 Sept-17 Expenditure In Cr. 1.65 (Expected) 2 7.32 3.2 As on date Expenditure through Smart City Account-0.92 Cr

Fast Track & Round 2 Cities City Name Date of SPV establishment Date of issue of tender for PMC Date of completion of credit rating No. of registrations of Smart net Kalyan-Dombivli 01st September 2016 29th November 2016 27th March 2017 1 Registration on Smart