6th 6 weeks 2017
Warmup#1 How are Prometheus and Equality similar? Gaea and the Golden one?
Warmup#2 What is the meaning behind Ayn Rand’s color motif in Anthem?
Warmup#3 Read the Poem & explain it’s connection to Anthem. Invictus By William Ernest Henley Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.
What would you do to prevent a society like Anthem from becoming Warmup#4 What would you do to prevent a society like Anthem from becoming a reality?
Why did you choose your book? What did you already know about it? Warmup#5 Why did you choose your book? What did you already know about it?
Warmup#6 After watching the clip below, what is the main character’s realization, yearn for independence from?, and path to freedom/resolution? What makes the path to independence so intimidating? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97uCe3JVs6k
Warmup#7: Unit 6 Vocab (unscramble in journal) heterogeneous (v) to propel, incite horde (v) to enter a name on a list impel (n) a long talk by one person incredulous (adj) hateful, odious inscribe (adj) doubting, mistrustful monologue (adj) with a harsh, grating sound prognosis (v) to get rid of something in a decisive way rasping (adj) mixed, variegated repugnant (n) a projection, prediction scuttle (n) a multitude, crowd
Warmup#8 Describe the setting in your book. Time period? Environment? What or who does your main character seem to be wanting independence from?
Warmup#9 11min essay How does the description of the setting (place/time period) help determine the mood or tone of the novel at the beginning? Develop and support your response. Chosen Novel Movie/or TV show I Wonder Another novel
Warmup#10 JOURNAL CHECK 1 Free Write with 5 vocab
Pick up Discussion Rubric off back table and get into groups
Warmup#1 What is dictating your main character’s decisions currently?
Warmup#2 11min essay In their hardest struggle or darkest time, what do you think motivates someone to keep going? Support and develop your evidence. Independent Novel Independent Novel I Wonder Personal experience/ Film/or Book
Warmup#3 “We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?”-Bradbury F451 Explain something important or real that is bothering your novel’s narrator currently. Explain something important or real bothering you.
Warmup#4 Free Write
Warmup#5 “One choice can transform you.”-Veronica Roth What is a choice your character has made that seems to make them stronger throughout? What is a choice you’ve made that has transformed you?
Practice We Were Liars by E Practice We Were Liars by E.Lockhart excerpt (Choose one short and one long sentence from the excerpt and explain author’s choice for variation. WELCOME TO THE beautiful Sinclair family. No one is a criminal. No one is an addict. No one is a failure. The Sinclairs are athletic, tall, and handsome. We are old-money Democrats. Our smiles are wide, our chins square, and our tennis serves aggressive. It doesn’t matter if divorce shreds the muscles of our hearts so that they will hardly beat without a struggle. It doesn’t matter if trust-fund money is running out; if credit card bills go unpaid on the kitchen counter. It doesn’t matter if there’s a cluster of pill bottles on the bedside table. It doesn’t matter if one of us is desperately, desperately in love. So much in love that equally desperate measures must be taken. We are Sinclairs.
Warmup#6 Read chosen novel (20min) Syntax—Choose a short, medium, and long sentence. Explain your interpretation of the author’s choice in variation. Diction-Choose 3 quotes with powerful word choice and explain your interpretation of the reason for choice words.
How does an individual determine his/her self worth? Warmup#7 11 minute essay How does an individual determine his/her self worth? Provide evidence from chosen novel, personal experience, and any other source. Explain how evidence proves initial statement is true. I wonder….
Warmup#8 What do you feel could be the theme of your book? Make sure it is in a complete sentence. Support your theory with evidence from the book.
1. Go to assigned group. Get out discussion paper. 2 1. Go to assigned group. Get out discussion paper. 2. Goal: Get beneath the surface of the text and understand author’s purpose.
Warmup#9 A foil is a character that experiences the same as the main character but reacts differently or receives a different outcome. Who serves as a foil for your main character? Explain.
Warmup#10 JOURNAL CHECK 2 In what way are all 4 books connected? What symbol would best work for all four books? Discuss with your table and write what you come up with.