Regional WIGOS Centres RA-I/WG-OTI-1 (Dakar, Senegal, 26 –27 September 2016) Dr. Igor Zahumensky, WIGOS Project Office, WMO Secretariat
Decision 30 (EC-68) RWC Regional WIGOS Centres (RWCs) will play the critical role in advancing operation of WIGOS. Regions differ and that such differences will need to be taken into account in establishing and operating RWCs that address the specific Members’ needs and circumstances of the respective Region.
Purpose The overall purpose of the RWCs is to provide support and assistance to WMO Members and Regions for their national and regional WIGOS implementation efforts.
Basic Principles To encourage the existing WMO regional centres to carry out WIGOS activities To use, when feasible, existing structures and mechanisms for WIGOS implementation at the regional and national levels To respect differences between WMO Regions; each RA must decides on its own way to address specific needs, priorities, challenges and available technical and human resources of the Region and specifies ToR of each RWC in the Region
Links to other WMO entities Work closely with: WMO Regional Offices RICs, RRCs, RMICs RTCs RA I MG & WG-OTI Members WIGOS-PO …
Basic functions of the RWC Regional coordination, Guidance and oversight, Support of WIGOS implementation and operational activities at the regional and national levels (day-to-day level of activities).
Mandatory functions Regional WIGOS metadata management (work with data providers to facilitate collecting, updating and providing quality control of WIGOS metadata in OSCAR/Surface); Regional WIGOS performance monitoring and incident management (WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System) and follow-up with data providers in case of data availability or data quality issues (WDQMS);
support for regional capacity development activities. Optional Functions assistance with the coordination of regional/sub-regional and national WIGOS projects; assistance with regional and national observing network management; and support for regional capacity development activities.
Implementation Options Each RA (i.e. Members of the Region) must decides on its own way to address specific needs, priorities, challenges and available technical and human resources of the Region; Member or group of Members can establish RWC in sub-region, taking into account the natural geographic / linguistic / economic conditions/circumstances of the sub region. Example: EAC with a lead of Tanzania
Establishment of RWC A proposal to establish a RWC must include at a minimum: A description of the infrastructure, facilities and resources (both human, technical and financial) provided by the Centre in accordance with its planned capabilities; The proposed strategy/plan to ensure sustainable resources to guarantee long-term performance of the RWC.
Roadmap Establishment of one or more Regional WIGOS Centres in pilot mode from 2017, Operational phase of initial Regional WIGOS Centres beginning mid-2018, Establishment of Regional WIGOS Centres covering all WMO Regions by 2019.
Conclusions RWC must be a win-win solution for Members, RWC(s) must provide right solutions to regional problems;
Regional Instrument Centres (RICs)
RICs of RA I – current situation Alger (Algeria): no info Cairo (Egypt): no info Casablanca (Morocco): ISO 17025 Nairobi (Kenya): ISO 17025 Gaborone (Botswana): not functional
To monitor regional needs for RIC services, Cg-17 follow up To monitor regional needs for RIC services, Investigate, with support by CIMO experts, the functionality of the RICs in the Region and based on the findings draft the proposal on how to improve a current situation (RA-I/WG-OTI); Collect information about existing calibration facilities in their respective countries that could be used by other Members;
Thank you Merci