Tropical Rainforest: An Introduction
Description of a rainforest Densely wooded Location: Warm, tropical and wet climate Soil: Nutrient Poor-hard to grow crops Rainfall: Average 80 inches/year (sometimes as high as 400 inches/yr)
Difference between tropical rain forest & temperate rain forest 1. Tropical rainforest: Located in the tropics; very warm climate and LOTS of rain 2. Temperate rainforest: More seasonal, less rain
Remaining rainforests Dark Green Areas= only remaining rainforest left
Layers of the tropical rainforest * Tall Trees- 150ft tall; branches at the highest level; act like an umbrella * VERY THICK! Less than 2% of sunlight reaches the next layer; animals live here * Trees grow to about 12ft. Home of leopards, snakes, and insects Shrub layer * Grow shorter than 12 ft * No growth, no sunlight & 100% humidity
The Soil: Few nutrients, decomposition occurs quickly The Soil: Few nutrients, decomposition occurs quickly. The nutrients are absorbed by the trees Buttress Root System: Above ground or very shallow root system
Why is the rainforest so important? Contains 90% of all living “things” 70% of all plants have cancer fighting properties Large amount of oxygen produced in the rainforest
How & why the rainforests are being destroyed Slash and Burn: Cutting down the forest for farms, roads, & other development. The trees are then burned
Bio Diversity: Many types of animals, insects, & plant life Deforestation: Cutting down large areas of forest