Literature Buddies Day 1 Your job is to locate a few special sections of the text that the class would like to hear read aloud. The idea is to help the class become interested in reading the novel. Choose parts that are interesting, powerful, funny, puzzling, or important to the plot. Write the location of the section and the reasons why you chose these. (at least three)
Day 2 Your job is to find connections between the book and the world outside. This means connecting the reading to your own life, to happenings at school or in your community, to similar events at other times and places, or to other people or problems you are reminded of. Write down the connections that you found. (at least three) pg. 49-72
Day 3 Your job is to be on the lookout for a few especially important words in today’s reading. If you find words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, mark them while you are reading and then later jot down their definition. You may also run across familiar words that stand out in the reading. Mark those words. Write the word, why you chose it, page number, meaning, a synonym, and an antonym on your planning sheet. At least five are required. (pg. 73-98)
Day4 Your job is to draw some kind of picture related to the reading. It can be a sketch, cartoon, diagram, flow chart, or colored illustration. You can draw a picture of something that’s discussed specifically in your book or something that the reading reminded you of. You may also draw a picture that conveys a feeling. (pg. 99-121)
Day 5 Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Remember to use the elements of fiction (plot, setting, character traits, character goals, theme) to help aid you in summarizing the reading. Record this in your log. (123-end)