Health & Safety Awareness Training for Rider Operated Forklift Trucks Forklift Training Health & Safety Awareness Training for Rider Operated Forklift Trucks
Therefore the purpose of this course is to: Forklift Training Therefore the purpose of this course is to: Raise your awareness of the risks involved in using an FLT Point out the dangers that you may encounter on a daily basis Heighten your understanding of the responsibilities of an FLT operator Leave you with better knowledge and understanding of the job of being a Warehouseman and Forklift Operator
Competence of operators To be designated as a competent forklift operator you must know the following: How to operate the particular class of vehicle that they have been assigned to To be aware of all of the hazards associated with the work that they have been asked to do To be able to operate and be effective in the operations of the truck in a manner that protects both their own safety and the safety of all others around them Look at the following pictures and discuss what is wrong and or how an event happened
Perhaps we should be saying; More like an accident waiting to happen? Accident Prevention Perhaps we should be saying; More like an accident waiting to happen?
The law – Lifting operations There are a number of different laws that apply to working with FLTs the main one’s being; The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 regulations Managing for Health & Safety Provision & Use of Work Equipment (PUWER) regulations Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment (LOLER) regulations Workplace Health & Safety & Welfare regulations Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) regulations
H.S.E Prosecutions The Health & Safety Executive can and will prosecute both the employer and the employee for any contravention of their duties Should they prosecute for any reason you can expect A fine of up to £20,000 or a jail sentence of up to 1 year or both in a Magistrates court. The fine is unlimited and Jail can be up to 2 years in a Crown Court
Reasonably Practicable Earlier in the presentation we saw the words reasonably practicable but what do these words mean in real terms? They mean that to be reasonably practicable you must make a balancing act and make an assessment of the risk, against the time, trouble and cost of compliance
Capacity Plate What do the words Capacity Plate mean to you? What do the words Load Centre mean to you? What do the words Stability Triangle mean to you? The capacity plate shows the operator what the specifications of the truck are. How much it can safely lift to a specific height It also shows where the load should be placed (the load centre) upon the forks for maximum stability This is the area of maximum safety when the forklift is working both loaded and unloaded
Rated Capacity 2000kg @ 500mm Load Centre Capacity Plate SWL Fulcrum (Balancing) Point Combined Centre of gravity Rated Capacity 2000kg @ 500mm Load Centre
Lifting and Transporting Was the load weight thought about? Was the lifting capacity of the trucks thought about? Did they think about the security of the load? What are the dangers here to these workers?