Synonyms: Extra, additional, surplus Group: Excess Week 13 Vocabulary Words Synonyms: Extra, additional, surplus Group: Excess
Abundant Plentiful With the abundant rain this spring the crops got plenty of water and the harvest was bountiful.
Arrogant Proud of thinking oneself to be superior The rich kid was arrogant and acted like he was better than everyone around him.
Deplete To run out of or to use up Too much fishing and hunting have depleted the game in the forest.
Drastic Extreme In order to stem the increase violence in the schools, drastic new measures must be put into place.
Elaborate 1) Full of detail and complexity or 2)carefully planned The preparations for the Presidential Ball were elaborate, requiring careful planning and attention to detail.
Exaggerate To overstate or overemphasize Although my new shoes are the right size, they seem to exaggerate the size of my feet, making them look two sizes larger.
Leeway A margin for variation Congress gave the military commanders great leeway to determine exactly what methods were necessary to succeed.
Rash Overly hasty (quick) or not fully though out We unwisely rushed into the situation and made a rash decision that we later regretted.