WELCOME Back to School Ms. Vescovi Grade 2 Room 205 2017-2018
Meet Your TEACHER *This is my 24th year working for the Bound Brook School District. I love teaching second grade! The kids are such enthusiastic learners and so much fun to work with! *If you need to get in touch with me, please send in a note with your child. You can also email me at lvescovi@bbrook.org. And, you can message me through ClassDojo.
Please refer to the handbook on our school website. School POLICIES Please refer to the handbook on our school website. School starts at 8:10 AM and dismisses at 2:40 PM. School SUPPLIES Thank you! Just need a pencil box if your child wants to keep some supplies in desk. Will let you know as the year goes on if we need anything. Please DO NOT send in large boxes of markers or colored pencils.
Classroom RULES Blue Folder Be safe. Be responsible. Be respectful. Parents—check it daily at home. Return it to school each day with completed homework, notes, lunch money. Please take out the notices and any completed work and keep at home.
Behavior System We are using a new clothespin chart this year in conjunction with Class Dojo. Everyone will begin the day on the "Ready to Learn" section of the chart. They will have the ability to move up or down the chart depending on their behavior as the day goes. As far as points go for Class Dojo, depends on which section they are on at the end of the day: "Outstanding": 4 points for the day "Great Job": 3 points for the day "Good Day": 2 points for the day "Ready to Learn": 1 point for the day "Stop and Think": take away 1 point for the day "Teacher's Choice": take away 2 points for the day "Parent Contact": take away 3 points for the day The students will have other times throughout the day to earn points as well. As they reach 30 points, they will be able to choose a reward.
Lunch PROCEDURES Lunch is at 11:00 am and costs $2.75 per day. If you are paying for lunch, please place lunch money or check (made out to Pomptonian) in an envelope or Ziploc bag. Write your child’s name and the amount of $ on the envelope or bag. Place the money in your child’s blue folder.
School DISMISSAL Regular days dismissal is at 2:40 pm Half days dismissal is at at 12:10 pm We walk out the front door.
Grading POLICY 4= Exceeds Standards: Extends key concepts, processes, and skills. Consistently works beyond grade level. 3=Achieves Standards: Consistently grasps and applies key concepts, processes and skills. Successfully meets grade level standards. 2=Approaching Standards: Beginning to grasp and applies key concepts, processes, and skills. Progressing towards grade level standards. 1=Needs Support: Not grasping key concepts, processes and skills. Area of concern that requires support. N/A= Not assessed at this time.
Homework Will be in blue folder. Be sure student writes name and number. Spelling and math. Homework will be posted on my website. Students should read for at least 15 minutes a day. Practice math addition & subtraction facts up to 20 with flashcards regularly.
Attendance POLICY Please help your child be on time to school so that he/she does not miss anything. If your child is absent, please call the school to let us know. When your child returns to school, he/she needs to bring in a note if you didn’t call. If your child is absent, please pick up missed work. Send in a note if your child needs to leave early.
Our CURRICULUM Journey’s Reading Program Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop Go Math Program Social Studies Science
Language ARTS We are working with our “Journey’s” program. It is a program that includes spelling, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, oral language, and foundational skills. Your child will be introduced to the week’s spelling words on Monday and tested on those words on Friday. Your child will work in large and small groups on reading skills. We will be doing different types of writing during “writing workshop.”
MATHEMATICS We will be working with the Go Math program this year. A parent letter will be put on my website at the beginning of each unit to give you an idea of the topics we will be covering in each chapter.
SCIENCE We will be doing science and social studies interchangeably. In science we will learn about topics such as matter, environments for living things, and the Earth’s surface.
Social STUDIES We will be learning about current events, holidays, character education, geography, communities, and Native Americans.
Specials Schedule Monday: Technology (Mr. Romancheck) Tuesday: Library (Mrs. Lishman)# Wednesday: PE/Health (Ms. Trombolone)* Thursday: Art (Mrs. Ackley) Friday: Music (Mrs. Leunig #Remember to bring Library books back on Tuesdays. *Make sure your child wears sneakers on Wednesdays.
Field TRIPS Our trip is usually to the Staten Island Zoo and is regularly scheduled in the beginning of June.
Or, if anyone is interested in being Parent VOLUNTEERS Before any parties or celebrations, I can send a note home and you can send in different items. Or, if anyone is interested in being a class parent to be in charge of parties/celebrations, please let me know.
Dates to REMEMBER Conference Dates are as follows: Monday, November 6th from 5pm – 8pm Tuesday, November 7th from 1pm – 4pm Wednesday, November 8th from Please sign up for availability to give me an idea.
Only water is allowed at snack. Snack Time On most days, schedule permitting, the students will be allowed to eat one, small nutritious snack in the afternoon. Only water is allowed at snack.
Scholastic Book Orders You can buy books at great prices. I will send home order forms about every other month. You can send in cash or a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs. You can place the orders online at scholastic.com/reading club My online code is: LVGPL
Thank you for coming! Looking forward to an awesome year! Please return the Student Info Sheet to me before you leave. Take all the other papers home. Please sign up for a conference day/time. If you would like to volunteer to be a class Mom or Dad, please sign up. Thank you for coming! Looking forward to an awesome year!