Introduction to Eclipse Ed Gehringer Using (with permission) slides developed by— Dwight Deugo ( Nesa Matic ( Portions of the notes for this lecture include excerpts from the Eclipse 2.1.1 Help facility. These excerpts are made available under CPL for ease of use by instructors, (c) Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. For more complete information instructors are encouraged to read the full notes from the Eclipse Help facility.
Overview Overview Installing and Running Building and Running Java Classes Debugging Let’s begin with an overview of Eclipse.
Module Road Map Overview Background Architecture Components Usage scenarios Installing and Running Building and Running Java Classes Debugging Let’s begin with an overview of Eclipse.
What is Eclipse? Eclipse is an open source project Consortium of companies, including IBM Launched in November 2001 Designed to help developers with specific development tasks Consists of four separate projects: Eclipse Project Eclipse Tools Project Eclipse Technology Project Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project The Eclipse Project was designed to provide a platform for building of highly integrated development tools. It was initiated by IBM with a consortium of companies, which now include companies such as Borland, Fujitsu, HP, Hitachi, Object Management Group, Oracle, Parasoft, QNX Software Systems, Red Hat, SAP, and Sybase, in 2001. The Eclipse Tools Project is designed to support building of variety of tools for The Eclipse Project. It provides single point of access to all tool developers to avoid overlapping and duplication in developing Eclipse tools. The Eclipse Technology Project is designed to provide mechanism for on-going evaluation of Eclipse to developers, researchers, academics and educators.
IBM’s IDE History 1994 VisualAge for Smalltalk 1996 VisualAge for Java VisualAge Micro Edition In 1994 IBM has released VisualAge for Smalltalk, an IDE written in Smalltalk, meant to be used for developing Smalltalk applications. When Java became popular, IBM has released VisualAge for Java, a Java IDE that was written in Smalltalk as well. Soon, the IDE gained great popularity. In 2001 IBM has started Java based open-source initiative called Eclipse. 2001 Eclipse Project
The Eclipse Platform Motivation Application development tools construction support Independent tool vendors support GUI and non-GUI application development support Numerous content types support Java, HTML, C, XML, ... Easy integration of tools Use of Java language for writing the tools Multiple operating systems support
Plug-in Architecture … Eclipse Platform Tool (plug-in) Workbench Help Workspace Team Tool (plug-in) The picture on this slide represents the high-level architecture of the Eclipse Platform. All plug-ins must be added to the platform before it’s started. When platform is started, the Platform Runtime figures out what plug-ins are available and creates plug-in in-memory registry. Team and Help on the picture represent existing “hooks” in Eclipse for adding help and team support to the applications and environment. The Platform has 2 main components: the Workbench and the Workspace. The Workbench represents set of tools available for the user in the Eclipse environment and Workspace represents set of user defined components (projects, packages, classes, and more). Platform Runtime
Workbench Represents the desktop development environment It contains set of tools for resource management It provides common way of navigating through the resources Multiple workbenches can be opened at the same time The term Workbench refers to the desktop development environment. The Workbench aims to achieve seamless tool integration and controlled openness by providing a common paradigm for the creation, management, and navigation of Workbench resources. Each Workbench window contains one or more perspectives. Perspectives contain views and editors and control what appears in certain menus and tool bars. More than one Workbench window can exist on the desktop at any given time.
Workspace Represents users data It is a set of user-defined resources Files Contain arbitrary number of bytes Folders Contain other folders or files Projects Collections of files and folders The central hub for your user's data files is called a workspace. You can think of the platform workbench as a tool that allows a user to navigate and manipulate the workspace. The resources plug-in provides APIs for creating, navigating, and manipulating resources in a workspace. The workbench uses these APIs to provide this functionality to the user. Your plug-in can also use these APIs. From the standpoint of a resource-based plug-in, there is exactly one workspace, and it is always open for business as long as the plug-in is running. The workspace gets opened automatically when the resources plug-in is activated, and closed when the platform is shut down. If your plug-in requires the resources plug-in, then the resources plug-in will be started before your plug-in, and the workspace will be available to you. The workspace contains a collection of resources. From the user's perspective, there are three different types of resources: projects, folders, and files. A project is a collection of any number of files and folders. It is a container for organizing other resources that relate to a specific area. Files and folders are just like files and directories in the file system. A folder contains other folders or files. A file contains an arbitrary sequence of bytes. Its content is not interpreted by the platform. A workspace's resources are organized into a tree structure, with projects at the top, and folders and files underneath. A special resource, the workspace root resource, serves as the root of the resource tree. The workspace root is created internally when a workspace is created and exists as long as the workspace exists. A workspace can have any number of projects. Files and folders are similar to files and directories in the file system. In the picture above we see MyServlet and MyWeb defined as projects and we see an images folder containing two files: .project and index.html
Help Used for creating and publishing documentation There are two different documentation styles: Help style documentation is published in the user guide API documentation is published in the programmer guide Help content is in HTML format Help navigation is in XML format The online help system provides access to the documentation, and lets you browse, search, and print it. The documentation is organized into sets of information that are roughly analogous to books. These, along with a full-text search engine and context-sensitive interface help, are designed to help you find the information you need. The Eclipse platform's help facilities provide you with the raw building blocks to structure and contribute documentation to the platform. It does not dictate structure or granularity of documentation. You can choose the tools and structure for your documentation that suits your needs. The help plug-in allows you to describe your documentation structure to the platform using a table of contents (toc) file. Your plug-in's online help is contributed using the extension point. You can either contribute the online help as part of your code plug-in or provide it separately in its own documentation plug-in.
Team Provides support for: Versioning Configuration management Integration with team repository Allows team repository provider to hook into the environment Team repository providers specify how to intervene with resources Has optimistic and pessimistic locking support The Eclipse Platform provides basic hooks for plugging team repository into the environment. There are different workflows for different team repository providers, and the platform lets providers to make decisions how resource management will be implemented. Support for CVS is built in. Just connect to a CVS server from the connection dialog, and you are all set. In the pessimistic model, user checks out the resource and than the resource is locked for everybody else. In the optimistic model, user can modify the resource while somebody else is modifying it as well. This usually results into manual intervention of modified resource – merging of two resource modifications.
How is Eclipse Used? As an IDE - Integrated Development Environment Supports the manipulation of various content types Used for writing code As a product base Supported through plug-in architecture and customizations
Eclipse as an IDE Java Development Tooling (JDT) is used for building Java code Provides set of workbench plug-ins for manipulating Java code Java projects, packages, classes, methods, .... Java compiler is built in Used for compiling Java code Creates errors (special markers of code) if compilation fails Java Development Tooling provides set of plug-ins used for writing Java code. These plug-ins help in creating Java projects, packages, classes, methods, variables, and debugging code. Together they make a robust Java IDE.
Eclipse as a Product Base Eclipse can be used as a Java product base Its flexible architecture used as a product framework Reuse plug-in architecture Create new plug-ins Customize the environment When you use Eclipse as a product platform, you add your new features as plug-in to the standard directories of Eclipse: ..eclipse\plugins, and …eclipse\features. You then update the install.ini file to identify your primary features you use eclipse.exe to start the user interface. More details steps are identified in other modules.
Module Road Map Installing and Running Eclipse Overview Where to get Eclipse? What is the support for Eclipse? Installing Eclipse Running Eclipse 3. Building and Running Java Classes 4. Debugging Let’s look at installing and running Eclipse.
Getting Eclipse You can download eclipse by going to the Eclipse’s home page: Main point for finding Eclipse resources Downloads Articles Discussion groups Bugs Contains various resources for using Eclipse Contains references to other Eclipse related sites The web page is your main source for finding and accessing Eclipse resource: downloads, articles, discussion groups, bug reports, and other references.
Downloading Eclipse’s Install Zip File Click on the Download from the main page on Choose the closest site from which to download (geographical sites hosting the download) Choose the build for download (usually the latest build) Choose the platform for download and type of download (http or ftp) Specify where to save the download locally The download web page has many options for you to select from. These options include the closest download site, the build version, and the platform. Before the download begins, you will also be asked the name of the local directory to store the install zip file.
Installing Eclipse Unzip the downloaded file to the directory of your choice To install Eclipse, unzip the download file ( to a directory of your choice.
eclipse.exe Eclipse is run by double-clicking on the eclipse.exe file The file is located in the Eclipse installation directory If there is no path set for javaw.exe program, the following dialog will come up Eclipse is run by double-click on the eclipse.exe program that is located in the Eclipse installation directory, i.e. in the directory where downloaded zip file is unzipped. If you don’t have Java Virtual Machine (JVM) set up in your path, a dialog will come up indicating that no JVM was found for running Eclipse. If you are missing a JVM, see the next slide.
Missing a Java VM? … Download the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE), e.g., v1.4.1_02 from Click on the downloaded EXE file to install When given the option by the installer, identify a directory of your choice for the install files Update the PATH environment variable to include the JRE’s bin directory One can download the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE), e.g., v1.4.1_02, using the links found at Once the JRE’s “exe” file is downloaded, simply click on it to install. When given the option by the installer, identify a directory of your choice for the install files. Once the installation has completed, you will need to update the PATH environment variable to include the JRE’s “bin” directory.
Specifying JVM There are two ways of specifying JVM for Eclipse: By installing JVM under the \jre\ directory off the eclipse install directory By specifying existing JVM in the PATH environment variable Start -> Control Panel -> System ->Advanced -> Environment Variables If JVM is already installed on the local system, simply set the PATH environment variable to indicate to the Eclipse where to find JVM. If a JVM specific to Eclipse need to be used, it might be better idea to have it under \jre\ directory of the Eclipse installation directory.
Running Eclipse When Eclipse is run, a Workbench opens Double click on the eclipse.exe found in the Eclipse install directory to run Eclipse and see the opening Workspace.
Default Workspace The default workspace is created when Eclipse runs for the first time The workspace is located under \workspace\ directory of Eclipse installation directory For example c:\eclipse\workspace The workspace contains user defined data – projects and resources such as folders and files By default, Eclipse uses a Workspace to store your projects, their resources and other information. Eclipse’s default workspace is directory in your Eclipse installation directory called \workspace. You can change the default locations with arguments to the eclipse.exe – see next slide.
Running Different Workspace … It is possible to run workspace other than default -data argument must be used with eclipse.exe Workspace location must be specified Useful for grouping project specific data Multiple workspaces can run at the same time For creating a new workspace, its location needs to be specified as an argument to eclipse.exe. The remainder of the work (meta data information) is done by the Eclipse.
… Running Different Workspace Customize your working directory by creating a shortcut identifying the eclipse.exe and the working directory To make starting Eclipse easy, create a shortcut (Windows only) specifying the location of the eclipse.exe and the default directory. Place the shortcut on the desktop for easy access.
Module Summary In this module you have learned: What Eclipse is, its background and components How Eclipse is used How to download, install and run Eclipse How to create and run multiple workspaces with Eclipse
Module Road Map 3. Building and Running Java Classes Overview Installing and Running 3. Building and Running Java Classes Developing Java applications Projects, packages, classes Browsing Java code Searching Java code Organizing Java code Using Code Assist Running Java applications Scrapbook 4. Debugging Let’s begin by using Eclipse to build your Java project. We will be discussing Eclipse’s Java and Java Browsing perspectives, as well as how to build and run Java applications with Eclipse.
Java Development Tooling - JDT Eclipse’s Java Development Environment is often referred to as JDT – Java Development Tooling Using the JDT you can do following with the Java programs: Write Compile Test Debug Java Development Tooling is the set of Eclipse plug-ins that allow you to write Java programs. It is fully featured Integrated Development Environment.
Perspectives When developing Java code commonly used perspectives are: Java Perspective Designed for working with Java projects Java Browsing Perspective Designed for browsing structure of Java projects Java Type Hierarchy Perspective Designed for exploring type hierarchy Debug Perspective Designed for debugging Java programs In this module we will talk about Java Perspective, Java Browsing Perspective and Java Type Hierarchy Perspective.
Java Perspective Contains: Editor area Package Explorer View Hierarchy View Outline View Tasks View The Java Perspective is where you spend most of your time when developing Java code. Package Explorer View shows the Java element hierarchy of the Java projects in the Workbench. Hierarchy View shows the hierarchy of a type. Outline View displays an outline of a structured file that is currently open in the editor area, and lists structural elements. For example an outline view for a Java class displays all fields and methods for that class. The contents of the outline view are editor-specific.
Java Browsing Perspective Contains: Editor area Projects View Packages View Types View Members View Projects View shows all projects available in the Workbench. Packages View shows all packages available for project selected in the Projects View. Types View shows all Types (classes and interfaces) from the package selected in the Package View. Members View shows all fields and methods for the type selected in the Types View.
Java Type Hierarchy Perspective Contains editor area and Hierarchy View The Java Type Hierarchy Perspective is not used as much as the other two Java perspective.
New Project Preferences You can set global preferences for a project Select Window -> Preferences to get Preferences View Good idea to separate your Java files into source and compiled directories (src and bin) This action only needs to be done once Done for all subsequent projects
Creating Java Project Project used to organize resources (source, class, icons) for a project To create Java project: Select File New Project… from the menu The New Project wizard comes up Select Java Java Project Click Next
New Project Wizard Specify Project Name Click Next
Java Settings Specify Java settings Click Finish Output folder (where compiled files will be stored) External jar files project depends on Classes from other projects that are referenced in the project Click Finish The Java Settings for a project is very important as you use it to set Java build path. You don’t have to set the build path at the project creation time, as at any given time you can go back to the build path through Properties for the project.
Project Properties You can change the Java build path at any time Choose Properties from the context menu on the project
Creating Packages Package contains Java class files To create a package for a project: Select the project Choose New Package from the context menu Specify package name Click Finish
Creating Classes To create a class in a package: Select the package Choose New Class from the context menu The Class wizard comes up Specify class details Click Finish If you specify wrong details for the class in the wizard, you can always change them later directly in the editor. When creating class Eclipse gives you an option of specifying if you would like to create a main() method for the class, or create constructors from the superclass. In the wizard you specify superclass for the class as well as modifiers (abstract, final, etc.)
Using Code Assist When activated, code assist opens a list of available code completions Code Assist activates by Crtl+Space Activates automatically when a message needs to be sent to an object (after the dot is typed) Code Assist can also be activated from the Edit menu by choosing Edit -> Content Assist. It could be customized in the Preferences window.
Using Quick Fix Useful if Java compiler shows errors Gives options for fixing the errors Activated through Edit Quick Fix menu option Error indication Quick Fix can be used for fixing the compiling errors. In the above example type File is used for declaring field file. The error is indicated by a red rectangle on the right of the line, by red underlined name of the missing type, and by error icon on the left from the line. Quick Fix can also be activated by click on the bulb icon in the editor.
Searching for Java Classes When developing Java application a good search mechanism is very important You often search for class, method declarations, and references It is important to be able to find things quickly Eclipse Java Search mechanism is very extensive It allows you to search for: Types, methods, constructors, packages, and fields Declarations, Implementers, References In the scope of Workspace, Working Set, or Selected Resources
Organizing Java Code Eclipse comes with extensive support for organizing and refactoring Java code It is possible to: Generate getters and setters for the fields Organize missing import statements Move fields, methods, classes Rename methods, classes, packages
Generating Getters and Setters Available for creating get and set methods on the fields It supports encapsulation Activated by choosing Source Generate Getter and Setter from the editor’s context menu Generation of getters and setters for instance variables support one of the first object-oriented principals: encapsulation. Encapsulation is that no internal state of an object should be accessed directly. This means that an internal object state should be represented through private field, and a method for accessing field should be provided. Object’s internal state is than accessed by sending a message that represents that method to object. Method for accessing object’s internal state is known as getter (get method) and method for setting object’s internal state is known as setter (set method). Usually each private field has corresponding getter/setter methods.
Refactoring Available from the Refactor context menu option in the editor Helps with refactoring Java code Allows for: Renaming Methods, fields, packages, projects, parameters, or local variables Changing of method signature Pull up a field or method (into superclass) Push down a field or method (into subclass) Encapsulate field (generate getter and setter) Extract method, local variable, or constant from an expression Refactoring is commonly used in programming and its goal is to improve the code by not affecting its functionality. You can preview all of the changes resulting from a refactoring action before you choose to actually do the changes. During the preview you will be notified of potential problems and will be presented with a list of the changes the refactoring action will perform.
Running Java Classes To Run Java application Choose Run Run… from the menu When you open Run Dialog under Java Application are listed all classes that contain main() method, i.e. that can be run. If your class is not listed here, click on New to add all classes with main() method to this list. In the Run Dialog you can set some options before starting the Java application. You can set program and VM arguments on the Arguments page. You can also set Java Runtime Environment on the JRE page, and you can change the classpath on the Classpath page.
Console View Represents standard Java console Opens by default when standard Java output is used Can also be open from Window Show View menu System.out.println("Hello World");
Scrapbook… Allows for writing and executing of Java code Very useful for quick test of Java code that you write The Java code in the Scrapbook can be: Displayed as a string when evaluated Inspected when evaluated Opens an Inspector view where you can see returning object from evaluation and all containing fields Executed
…Scrapbook… It is created by selecting a project and choosing New Scrapbook Page from the Package Explorer’s context menu and then entering the name of the page Your scrapbook page will become a resource in your project
… Scrapbook… To open the scrapbook page just click on the resource It opens up like a Java source file editor Type Java code and select the context menu to Display or Inspect
…Scrapbook Class names must be fully qualified in what you type Set imports to make life easier Think of your scrapbook as a page that Eclipse will take the source you type, wrap it in a class with your source in the main menu, then compile and execute
Summary You have learned: How to create projects, packages and classes How to browse Java code and search for Java code How to use coding assistance How to organize Java code How to run Java code How to use the Scrapbook
Module Road Map Eclipse Debugging Overview Installing and Running Building and Running Java Classes Eclipse Debugging In this module, you will learn about Eclipse’s debugging facility
Module Road Map Eclipse Debugging Debug perspective Debug session Breakpoint Debug views Breakpoint types Evaluating and displaying expressions In particular we will look at the Debug Perspective and its components, breakpoints, and facilities commonly used when debugging.
Debugging in Eclipse The Java Debugger Part of Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT) More than System.out.printn(̎̎̎̎error̎̎̎̎) Detects errors as code executes Correct errors as code executes Actions you can perform debugging include: Control Execution Set simple breakpoints Set conditional breakpoints Review and change variable values Hot code replace (feature new to JRE 1.4)
Threads and Monitor View Debug Perspective Threads and Monitor View Variable View Editor View Debug perspective is design to help debugging the code. It contains views that are specific for debugging. Perspective opens automatically when a breakpoint is hit during the execution of the Java application. However you need to run Java application in a debug mode, otherwise the execution will not stop at the breakpoint, and the breakpoint will be ignored. Console View Outline View Tasks View
Simple Breakpoint Breakpoint Setting a breakpoint Stops the execution of a program at the point Thread suspends at the location where the breakpoint is set Setting a breakpoint CTRL+Shift+B at current point in editor line Double click in editor’s marker bar at current line Breakpoint can be set by: Double-click on the left bar beside the line in the editor where you want to add the breakpoint Choosing Add Breakpoint from the context menu on the bar in the editor
Starting a Debugging Session Select Java class containing the following: main() method Resulting execution will pass breakpoint Select Run Debug As… Java Application Or Select Debug As… Java Application from the debug menu Debugging session usually starts on a Java application, i.e. class containing the main() method. The debugging session can also start if you execute Java code from the Scrapbook and a breakpoint is encountered during the execution.
Debug Session Execution suspends prior to the line with a breakpoint You can set multiple breakpoints
Deleting Breakpoints Double click on the breakpoint in the editor Another way to remove the breakpoint is by choosing Remove Breakpoint from the context menu on the breakpoint.
Control Execution From Breakpoint… Step Into or F5: For methods, execute method and suspend on first statement in the method For assignments, similar to Step Over For conditionals, similar to Step Over Step Over or F6 Execute next statement Step Return or F7 Resume execution to the end of the method on the next line after it was invoked Control Execution toolbar buttons are used for controlling the debugging session.
…Control Execution From Breakpoint Resume or F8 Continue execution until program ends or another breakpoint is reached Terminate Stops the current execution thread
Variables and Fields To see the values bound to fields: Use Variables View Select variable in editor and select Inspect Select variable in editor and select Display
Code Debugging in this Module public class Debug { private int something = 0; private Vector list = new Vector(); public void firstMethod(){ thirdMethod(something); something = something + 1; } public void secondMethod(){ something = something + 2; public void thirdMethod(int value){ something = something + value; public static void main(String[] args) { Debug debug = new Debug(); debug.firstMethod(); debug.secondMethod();}
Variables View Shows all fields of instance where breakpoint occurred Select this to see all fields Select any field to see value If field is bound to an object, you can select Inspect from the menu to view its fields and values
Changing Field Values To change field value: Select field in Variables view Select Change Variable Value from the menu Enter new value into Set Variable Value window Click OK
Display View Displays the result of evaluating any expression in the current context Opens by: Selecting a field in the editor or Variables View and choosing Display Clicking on the Display tab
Expressions View Remembers all objects you have inspected Displays the fields of the object You can see the values of the fields You can Inspect the fields Opens when: You Inspect an object You click on the Expressions tab Expression view is used with the Inspector. You can also invoke the view from a Scrapbook by selecting the Java code and choosing Inspect from the context menu.
Breakpoint View Lists all available breakpoints Can be used for manipulating breakpoints (through the views menu): Enabling Disabling Removing Also displays breakpoints properties Accessed like other debugging views Breakpoint View can be open by click on the Breakpoints tab in the Debugging Perspective. Breakpoints can be manipulated in the Breakpoint View, meaning that you can remove, enable, or disable breakpoints. Double-click on the breakpoint in the view opens up an editor on the code where the breakpoint is set, and selects the line with the breakpoint. Breakpoints properties are viewed by choosing Properties from the context menu on a breakpoint. It is possible to set conditional breakpoints from the properties view. These breakpoints stop the execution only if the condition evaluates to true. To specify condition select the Enable Condition in the properties window and specify the condition.
Debug View Shows: Active threads Current stack frame when execution has stopped Previous stack frames Method and variables are shown in the editor for the selected frame Update in the editor updates the source When you debug, an editor on code that you debug is available in the perspective. When the execution stops at the break point editor shows (highlights) the line where the breakpoint is. Using debugging controls results in editor showing different methods, variables, etc. You can change the code in the editor directly, save the change, and continue with the debugging.
Breakpoint Types Breakpoints can be set for the following Java entities: Line (simple breakpoint) Method Field (watchpoint) Java Exception Each breakpoint is set a different way and has different properties Watchpoint suspends execution when a particular field is about to be accessed.
Method Breakpoints To set method breakpoint: Select method in the Outline View From context menu select Add/Remove Method Breakpoint To set breakpoint’s properties: Select breakpoint in editor Select Breakpoint Properties.. from context menu Set properties as desired Entry, exit, enable hit count Execution suspends on entry/exit into method You cannot specify condition for method breakpoints, i.e. methods breakpoints cannot be conditional.
Field Breakpoints Also known as watchpoint To set the watchpoint: Select field in the Outline View From context menu select Add/Remove Watchpoint To set watchpoint’s properties: Select breakpoint in editor Select Breakpoint Properties.. from context menu Set properties as desired Access/modification, enable Execution suspended on access/modification of field You cannot specify condition for field breakpoints, i.e. field breakpoints cannot be conditional.
Java Exception Breakpoint To Add Java Exception Point: Select Add Java Exception Point from menu Enter exception type Specify what triggers a breakpoint: Caught exception Uncaught exception Both
How To Debug Here are simple steps for debugging in Eclipse: Set your breakpoints Hit a breakpoint during execution Walk/step through code to other breakpoints Follow along in editor Inspect/Display interesting fields Watch the Console for things to happen Debugging is an important facility of any development environment. Eclipse debugger contains facilities that help you in debugging the code. You will find that inspecting objects is probably most commonly used activity during the debugging. Watch what happens during the debugging, i.e. watch for field, variables values.
Summary You have learned: The views in the Debug Perspective Typical debug session How to use the Inspector About the different types of breakpoints How to set breakpoints How step around your code doing debugging