Epicor Users Group Driving Business Efficiencies through Epicor Case Management Teconnex Ltd
Agenda Teconnex New Part Order Process Where does Epicor fit in Implementing Case Management Benefits\ ROI & Recommendations Q&A 1) Who Teconnex are.. 2) Key process to the business 3) Where does Epicor fit in 4) Case Management 5) ROI 6) Q& A – Although if anyone has any questions as we run through the presentation then please ask. 7) Glamorous assistant at the front will be taking photos as we proceed for our internal new letter.
Teconnex overview Company Factory 1 Turnover 2013 - £24m Turnover 2020 (est) - £60m – Mexico\China Employees – 500 TS 194649 & ISO14001approved Teconnex is a World leader in Jointing Technologies – We Design and Manufacture both customer specific and standard clamping solutions Growth double digit year on year This is all organic growth no acquisitions In 2011 we setup a manufacturing plant in China to serve the Aisian market and we’re in the process of setting a manufacturing plant in monterrey to service the Americas. Factory 2
Products Volumes 8000 Part Numbers Available
Why New Part Orders? Firstly there’s a lot of them – up to 20 new parts can be introduced per week, and it’s a lot of work in introducing them If we look at the areas this impacts
Cross Functional Working Sales, Engineering, Production, Tooling, Logistics. 1) This process can positively impact most areas of the business 2) We took this as an opportunity to create a cross functional working team with Epicor the perfect platform to launch & foster this environment
Historical View Paper based system which was usable but not as efficient as it could be. Siloed working that encouraged batch processing Although the system worked, it was clear there was room for improvement 3) It was also difficult to go back through old data when troubleshooting
Where does Epicor fit in…. Implemented March 2015 V10 Case Management – Standard functionality Although we didn’t go live with this process integrated in Epicor this was a process that will give us a major efficiency improvement, a good win. Standard functionality in Epicor – No bespoke customisations, created with the standard BPM & Dashboard toolsets
Deep dive in to Case Management Case entry give the facility to replicate everything we had in the paper based pack, adding attachments, PDFs, E-Mails, Drawings, Also the ability to link cases to Orders, Quotes and bring through all the data associated with them
Case Management 1) Link case management to workflow and Task sets
Task Sets & Workflow 1) Once we had established all of the workflow stages we could create tasks at each stage 2) Option for Mandatory tasks 3) Task set to mirror the old paper based system – additionally made enhancements
Tasks End user has the functionality from the workflow to send the new product order in a specific direction Assign tasks to specific people – Alerts – E-mails – Shows case assigned, who assigned it to you (any issues can speak with them)
Implementing in Epicor One of the main drivers was traceability - Once a task is complete the logged on user account time stamps the task
Dashboard To give an overall view of the current new product orders we created a dashboard
Updatable Dashboard
ROI Halved the process time Paperless System Saved a vast amount of working hours per week Delivering a platform that is transforming the business
Recommendations Always include the stakeholders in the decision making Employees had been within the business a number of years it was important making such an important change that we did this properly Unfreeze – How the current process can be improved upon Changing – 'transitioning' or 'moving - the time that most people struggle with the new reality - During the changing step people begin to learn the new behaviours, processes and ways of thinking Refreezing - symbolize the act of reinforcing - The changes made to organizational processes, goals, structure, offerings or people are accepted and refrozen as the new norm or status quo.