Thorpedene Primary School Parents’ Association Newsletter – October 2016 Sponsored Bounce On Monday 10th October, 500 + children at Thorpedene took part in our Sponsored Bounce. Thank you to everyone who has already handed in their sponsor money to the school office. As a reminder, all money needs to be in by Friday 21st October. A special thank you also to our helpers – we couldn’t run these events without you. Christmas Bazaar – Friday 2nd December The Christmas Bazaar is being held on Friday 2nd December, in the Port Hall. We will be looking for people to help run a stall, or help set up in the morning (even if it is only for a little while). If anyone is interested in having a Trade Stall, please let us know via our Facebook page. We will be asking for donations of sweets, items for the tombola, second-hand toys and books. If you are having a half term “clear out”, then please bear us in mind. All donations can be left in the old school office, where lost property is. More details regarding the Christmas Bazaar will follow in a separate flyer. Christmas Cards The children have been busy designing their Christmas card artwork in class. We are hoping to be able to send all the artwork off to the printers before half term. A proof of the card your child/children have designed will be sent home after the half term break. More details will follow. Reception & Year 1 Children Entertainment afternoon Wednesday 30th November This year we have arranged an entertainment afternoon for the Reception & Year 1 children. This will be held on the 30th November in the Port Hall from 3.15pm – 4.30pm. Tickets will be £2.50 each, which covers the cost of the entertainer, plus a drink and a snack. Tickets will be on sale from Wednesday 23rd November, in the Port playground. Other events We are looking into events for our older children Movie night Family Bingo Valentines Disco Spring Fayre (Saturday 20th May) Helper Slip Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Childs Name……………………………………………………………………….. Contact number …………………………………………………………………………………… Don’t forget to look out for us on Facebook and Twitter for news and reports of events.