Chemistry 6.1 page 147 Science Probe 10
What is chemistry anyway ?! Chemistry is ... The study of the properties, composition and behaviour of matter… MATTER is anything that has _____________ and occupies ______________
Properties, composition and matter Property is a characteristic, a trait or quality that something has Ex: water boils at 100 °C, the colour is green, …. Composition is what something is made up of…its basic nature from the inside (its ingredients) EX: water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom H20.
THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER Substance is something unique with a set of unique properties. Properties of matter PHYSICAL vs CHEMICAL PROPERTY PROPERTY/Rxns It is a property that can be observed and found without creating a new substance. Or changing the chemical structure of it Ex: colour, density, hardness, melting point, boiling point, pH, viscosity, etc… It is when a new substance is created due to undergoing chemical reactions. Ex: hydrogen can burn in air (Oxygen) and produce water Hydrogen reacts with chlorine to produce hydrogen chloride.
However, if we zoom right in, what is matter actually made of???
CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER – Difference between atoms and molecules.. Atom: The smallest part of an element which retains ALL the fundamental properties of the element… Elements - contain only one type of atom 1. monatomic elements consist of 1 atom only ex: Fe, Al, Cu, He 2. polyatomic elements consist of several “like” atoms bonded together Ex: H2 O2 Br2 F2 I2 Cl2 P4 S8 Page 49. Atom: smallest unit of an element Silver(Ag), Copper (Cu) Molecule: 2 or more atoms held together (H2O, H2, NaCl)
H2, O2, Br2, F2, I2, Cl2, N2, And other polyatomic elements …. Diatomic elements H2, O2, Br2, F2, I2, Cl2, N2, And other polyatomic elements ….
CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER A molecule is 2 or more atoms held together If a molecule is made up of identical atoms, it is called an element. If a molecule is made up of different types atoms, it is called a compound. Atoms are held together by electrical forces.
CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER Difference between an element and a compound? First, they are both molecules (2 or more atoms) An element is made up of the same type of atoms A compound is made up of different types of atoms. Molecules and compounds both contain two or more atoms. All compounds are molecules Compounds are made up of DIFFERENT atoms.
CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER ION: atom or molecule that possesses an electrical charge… Sodium ion (Na+ ) Chloride ion (Cl- ) Nitrate ion or Nitrate ( NO3- ) More about this soon!
More terms to classify matter – difference between a pure substance and a mixture…. Pure substance: unchanged, uniform properties. Ex: salt (NaCl) has a density of 2.16 g/mL and melts at 801 C and is colourless. A pure substance has identical properties in every sample..
More on substances Pure Substances: a substance that is made up of only one kind of matter. There are two kinds of pure substances: Element - a pure substance that cannot be broken down or separated into simpler substances Ex: gold (Hg) silver(Ag) b) Compound - a substance composed of at least two elements Ex: water (H20), CO2
mixtures A mixture: a system made up of 2 or more substances, and the amounts can be different/varied. Ex: salt dissolved in water.
Homework 6.1 Page 152 2,5,8,9,10