Classification and Properties of Matter
Anything with volume AND mass Matter Anything with volume AND mass
Classification of Matter OR
Made up of Identical Atoms Elements Made up of Identical Atoms Monatomic Diatomic Elements Elements Atom 2 Identical Atoms
Compounds Made up of Identical Molecules or formula units, Composed of Different Atoms Water Molecule 1 Oxygen Atom 2 Hydrogen Atoms
Mixtures Made up of Different Compounds and/or Elements Mixture of Different Monatomic Elements Mixture of Compounds and Monatomic Elements Mixture of Compounds and Diatomic Elements
Physical Properties Properties that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance
Intensive vs Extensive Intensive Properties = Properties that DO NOT change with the amount of the substance. Ex. Color, Smell, Density, Melting Point, Boiling Point Extensive Properties = Properties that DO change with the amount of the substance Ex. Mass, Length, Volume