CHANGE OF MAJOR/ PROGRAMME Revision: 0.0 Effective Date: 05.10.2015 Version: 1.0 Doc. No: MMU/ACAD/SOP&WI-15 ACADEMIC DIVISION PAGE 1 of 2 CHANGE OF MAJOR/ PROGRAMME START 6. Collect letter END 1. Apply STUDENT 5. Receive notification Yes No 2. Documents Complete? FACULTY/ CENTRE 4. Prepare Letter 3. Approval Yes DEAN/ DIRECTOR No
CHANGE OF MAJOR / PROGRAMME Revision: 0.0 Effective Date: 05.10.2015 Version: 1.0 Doc. No: MMU/ACAD/SOP&WI-15 ACADEMIC DIVISION PAGE 2 of 2 CHANGE OF MAJOR / PROGRAMME Reference No. Description Form/Report 1 Student fill-in Change of Major form online via Camsys Note : Student has to meet the entry requirement of the new major Change of Major online via Camsys 2 Faculty/centre office receives the student’s application (hardcopy) Student has to submit the complete application which consist of confirmation from the : Admission Finance International Office (if applicable) Recommendation from the Programme Coordinator Faculty/centre office check the supporting documents. If not complete, return back to the student within 3 working days upon received. Change of Major Form (Hardcopy) 3 & 5 Faculty/centre Dean / Director to approve. If not approved, the student will be notified within 5 working days. The faculty/centre must check and decide on the grade transfer of the equivalence subjects and exemption according to the Grade Transfer Exemption Policy. Grade Transfer Exemption Policy 4 Faculty / Centre office to issue approval letter. A copy of the Change of Major form and approval letter shall be given to ERU for student’s data updates. 6 Student to collect approval letter. Approval Letter (ACAD/LETTER/03) Note The whole process will take not more than 15 working days from the date of receive by the current faculty subject to the completion of the form.