Management Miss Samah Ishtieh Course 08/09/1439
Performance Appraisal 08/09/1439
Content 1. Definition. 2. Purpose of performance appraisal. 3. Responsibilities of employee and supervisor. 4. How to enhance performance appraisal. 5. Process of appraisal. 6. Methods and problems of evaluation. 7. Appraisal interview. 8. Appraisal form. 08/09/1439
Definition Performance appraisal It is the process of interaction , written documentation , formal interview , and follow-up that occurs between managers and their employees to give feedback , make decisions, and cover fair employment practice law. 08/09/1439
Cont. An important part of the manager's job is to define performance in advance and to state desired results. Performance-related behaviors are directly associated with job tasks and need to be accomplished to achieve a job's objectives . 08/09/1439
Purposes Of Performance Appraisals 1. Document past performance. 2. Recognize accomplishments. 3. Identify areas for continued improvement. 4. Professional development plan (training). 5. Achievement of the work unit’s and organization’s goals. 08/09/1439
Cont. 6. Develop objectives for the next year (rating period). 7. Objectively evaluate goals . 8. Serve as the basis on which administrative decisions , such as the size of salary increase or who gets promoted, are made. 9. To give constructive feedback: a good appraisal system ensures that staff know what they are to do and how well they are doing it. 08/09/1439
Responsibilities Of Employees 1.Take part in developing elements and standards for the annual performance plan. 2. Clear understanding of their performance expectations. 3. Manage personal performance to achieve identified goals and expected results. 4. Seek frequent feedback. 5. Improve aspects of performance that don’t meet expectations. 08/09/1439
Responsibilities of Supervisors 1. Develop performance tasks and standards. 2. Monitor employee performance. 3. Communicate with employees regularly about their performance. 4. Conduct performance progress reviews. 5. Assist employees in improving performance. 08/09/1439
Cont. 6. Conduct formal annual performance review. 7. Take appropriate action for employees whose performance does not meet expectations and recognize employees for successful performance. 08/09/1439
Enhancing performance includes such actions: 1 . Identifying performance problems . 2 . Integrating, facilitating, and coordinating the work of employees . 3 . Creating motivational climate. 4 . Removing situational constraints , such as rotating shifts or providing assistance in overcoming constraints. 08/09/1439
The performance appraisal process includes 1 . Day –to-day manager- employee interactions. ( coaching, counseling , dealing with policy/procedure violations, and disciplining). 2 . making notes about an employee's behavior. 3 . completing the performance appraisal form. 4 . the formal appraisal interview. 5 . Follow up sessions that may involve coaching, and discipline when needed. 08/09/1439
There are several steps to help ensure that an appraisal system is nondiscriminatory 1 . The appraisal should be in writing and carried out at least once a year. 2 . The performance appraisal information should be shared with the employees . 3 . The employee should have the opportunity to respond in writing to the appraisal . 4 . Employees should have a mechanism to appeal the results of the performance appraisal . 08/09/1439
Cont. 5 . The manager should have adequate opportunity to observe the employee's job performance during the course of the evaluation period. 6 . Anecdotal notes on the employee's performance should be kept during the evaluation period, and should be shared with the employee during the course of evaluation period. 08/09/1439
Cont. 7 . Evaluators should be trained to carry out the performance appraisal process , including : A ) What is reasonable job performance. B ) How to complete the form. C ) how to carry out the feedback interview. 8 . As Far As possible , the performance appraisal should focus on employee behavior and results rather than on personal traits or characteristics, such as : A ) Initiative. B ) Attitude. C ) personality. 08/09/1439
Evaluation philosophy 1 - Absolute judgment: an evaluation method based on reasonable and acceptable standards set by the organization. 2 - Comparative judgment :an evaluation method in which employees are compared with one another. 08/09/1439
Component to be evaluated 1. Trait and personal characteristics such as ability to handle stress. 2. Results : oriented system that employees know in advance what is expected. 3. Behavioral criteria focus on what the employee actually does. 08/09/1439
Potential appraisal problems 1- Leniency error : the tendency of a manager to overrate staff performance . خطأ التساهل 2- Recency error : the tendency of a manager to rate an employee based on recent event ,rather than over the entire evaluation period . خطأ حديث 3- Halo error :the failure to differentiate among the various performance dimensions when evaluation . 08/09/1439
The performance appraisal interview Once the manager completes an accurate evaluation of performance, he should arrange an appraisal interview. The major focus of the feedback interview should be on how the nurse manager and staff member can work together to improve performance in the coming year. However, establishing such an improvement oriented climate is easier said than done. In giving feedback, a manager needs to be aware that every employee has a tolerance level for criticism. 08/09/1439
Following are recommendations for conducting an appraisal interview: 1. Clearly state the purpose of the appraisal interview. 2 . Go through the ratings one by one with the employee. 3. Decide on specific ways in which performance areas can be strengthened. 4. Set a follow up date . 5. Express confidence in the employee . 08/09/1439
How To Conduct Oneself During The Appraisal Meeting 1. Be candid. 2. Be positive. 3. Be constructive. 4. LISTEN and then give thoughtful responses. 08/09/1439
Cont. 5. Maintain your sense of self and sense of humor - you’re speaking with the same person you work with every day. 08/09/1439
Receiving Performance Feedback 1.Seek clarification when information is unclear. 2.If appraisal appears inaccurate, provide additional information. 3.Include input from outside sources where appropriate (peers, customers, etc.) 08/09/1439
Cont. 4. Remain non-defensive. 5. Look for opportunities to improve. 6. Provide feedback to supervisor, if appropriate. 08/09/1439
Performance Appraisal Form: Overview 1. Introduction. 2. General information: Employee’s name, title, Department.- - Supervisor’s name, title. - Location. - Rating Period. 08/09/1439
3.Section I – Job Specific Duties: Each employee should review major job specific duties, included in the job description, agree on objectives with their supervisor for the coming review period, and identify standards to measure how well objectives have been achieved. 08/09/1439
Cont. - TASK : Describes the work/job to be done. - STANDARD : Establishes quality and timelines, and How well the job needs to be done. 08/09/1439
4.Section II – General Performance Measurements - Communication Skills. - Customer Service. - Initiative. - Knowledge. - Work Quality/Reliability. - Teamwork/Teambuilding. - Organizing/Planning/Problem Solving. - Leadership* * for supervisory appraisal 08/09/1439
5.Section III – Developmental Activities - A partial list of suggested activities follows: 1. Workshops. 2. Certifications. 3. On-the-Job/Cross-training. 4. College courses. 5. Professional organizations. 6. Local/State/National conferences. 7. Continuing education. 8. In-house training. 08/09/1439
6.Section IV – Signatures - Signature indicates that the employee has reviewed and discussed the completed form but it does not necessarily imply agreement with the statements. - Each page of the form should be initiated by the supervisor and employee after the review is completed. 08/09/1439
Absolute judgment items Fails to meet performance (1) Dose not quite meet performance (2) Meets performance standard (3) Exceeds performance standard ( 4) Far exceeds performance standard (5) .1.initiative 2.dependability 3.job knowledge 4.adheherence to hospital policies 08/09/1439
Comparative judgment items Bottom 10% of all staff nurses Next 20% Middle 40% of all staff nurses Top 10% of all staff nurses 1.initiative 2.dependability 3.appearance 4.proper utilization of time 08/09/1439
Behavior oriented performance appraisal items for the jobs of staff nurse. Outstanding (5) Above (4) Average (3) Needs (2) Unacceptable (1) 1.performs and documents physical assessment according to unit standard 2.copmletes patient plan of care according to unit standard on each assigned patient within 24 hours of admission. 3.dresses according to unit dress code 4.administers medication in a safe and timely manner 08/09/1439