World Knowledge Quiz
Q1 - Where can you find the Galapagos Islands? Argentina B: Ecuador C: Brazil D: England
Q2 - Which of these areas is in Serbia and Monetnegro? Kiev B: Split C: Warsaw D: Kosovo
Q3 - What is the world’s largest island? England B: Australia C: Ivory Coast D: Brazil
Q4 - Which language is spoken in Ghana? French B: Spanish C: English D: German
Q5 - Which country has the largest population in Europe? Germany B: France C: England D: Italy
Q6 – How would you greet someone in the Ivory Coast? Hello B: Hola C: Yo D: Bonjour
Q7 – The people of which country catch and eat the most fish in the world? Sweden B: Japan C: Australia D: Poland
Q8 - Which country has been making carpets since 5BC? Iran B: Ghana C: Costa Rica D: Ukraine
Q9 – What is the capital of Ukraine? Belgrade B: Zagreb C: Kiev D: Warsaw
Q10 – How do you say Hello in Spanish? Hola B: Bonjour C: Bom dia D: God dag
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