THE GREAT TRIBULATION AND THE ANTICHRIST Matthew 24:14-30; Daniel 9:24-27; Revelation 6:1-17; 13:1-18
Memory Verse “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).
INTRODUCTION God Almighty, The Master Planner of the whole events of the world has set a time for each event in His own time table; just like your teachers do set time for each subject at school. The topic we are considering today is one of the events on God’s time table for the world. No matter what happens, the time table will still be carefully followed.
Focus of the Study Help born-again boys and girls to stand up and warn sinners of the danger to come. Help born-again boys and girls to live the holy life every day Help sinful boys and girls to learn and repent of their evil ways so as not to be partakers of the evil that is to come.
Point 1. THE GREAT TRIBULATION: Revelation 6:1-17; Matthew 24:14-30 The next event on God’s time table is the rapture It’s the catching away of God’s children to meet Jesus in the sky. After the rapture, boys and girls who are not able to go with Jesus will be left behind. Then the Great Tribulation will begin on earth. Canstock pictures
The Great Tribulation The great tribulation will be a time of great suffering, such that has never been experienced in the world before. Great Troubles, Wars, Killings, Famine, No Food or very expensive unaffordable food; No peace, NO mercy Picture by by Wayne Jackson – Christian Courier
The Great Tribulation The children of Israel will suffer more. This is why the period is also referred to as the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7). For how long will the tribulation last? It will be for 7 years, but the seven years will be as a thousand years because it will be very, very bad for people on earth (Daniel 9:24-27).
The Great Tribulation However, during this period, some people will still be saved. They will refuse to worship the beast but they will never find it easy at all. In the long run, many of them will be killed.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. While people will be suffering on earth, boys and girls who have gone up with Jesus will be enjoying at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:6-9). The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Point 2: The Antichrist During the Great Tribulation, many will look for death, they may even do certain things to harm themselves because of the pains and sufferings from the antichrist, but they will not die. What a terrible time! By the way, who is this antichrist that will torment people in such a way? A man or a force?
Who is the Antichrist? The anti-Christ is a person who goes against God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He is referred to as the man of sin; the wicked man (2 Thessalonians 2:8) and the beast (Revelation 13:1). The antichrist will be so powerful that he will command people living on the earth to worship the dragon (Satan) who will give him great power. (Revelation 13:2, 4).
The job of the Antichrist He will speak bad and evil words against God He will bring about a terrible war. Many wicked and evil things will be done so that people can worship the beast. The antichrist’s reign will be so bad, that miracles and wonders will be performed so as to deceive people to worship him.
The Mark of the Antichrist “666” Those who accept to worship him will be given marks on their right hands or on their fore heads. This mark shows that they are lost forever. The mark is ‘666.’ Anyone who refuses to worship and receive the mark will not be able to buy or sell. That is, before you can be allowed to do anything, you must show them the mark. What a terrible reign of terror! Boys and girls, it will not be easy at all for anybody on earth (Revelation 13:12-18).
Point 3. ESCAPE THE GREAT TRIBULATION: For born again boys and girls, they will not go through the great tribulation; but be sure to always live holy in school, at home and everywhere. Also make sure that you do all the necessary restitutions and tell your unbelieving neighbours about this event; warn your friends of the danger and sufferings of the great tribulation.
Escape the Great Tribulation Born again boys and girls, are you ready to meet your God? Study and think on the word of God every time. Obey it and be holy. Watch and pray always and trust God to keep you till the end.
How can a sinner escape the great tribulation? Jesus wants to save you, why then do you delay? Is it when the door of mercy is shut that you will repent? (Jeremiah 12:5). Why not now? Cry unto Jesus and ask for forgiveness as you confess and turn away from your sins. He will save you.
Where do you want to be? Marriage Supper of the Lamb? Great Tribulation? Or Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
Prayer Time
Questions 1. What is the great tribulation? ____________________ 2. When will it take place and for how long? _________ 3. Who are those that will partake of the great tribulation? _____________________________________ 4. Who is the anti-christ? ___________________________ 5. What is the mark of the anti-christ? _______________ 6. What must you do to escape the Great Tribulation?
Lesson The great tribulation is not for born again boys and girls who are watchful and are living holy.
Thought I will live holy so as to be ready to meet Jesus.