Galapagos Islands Made by: Adriana Ramos
Location 972 km west of continental Ecuador. The capital is Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.
Climate It is subtropical Humboldt Current El Nino Current
Population Population around 40,000 people. Five of the islands are inhabited Baltra Floreana Isabela San Cristobal Santa Cruz
Conservation Marine Iguana Land Iguana Blue-footed Booby Waved Albatross
Galápagos Giant tortoise Sea lion Penguin Frigate bird
Environmental Threats
Introduced Species PLANTS ANIMALS Guayaba Avocado Cascarilla Balsa Blackberry Orange Grapefriut Lemon Higuerilla Goats Pigs Dogs Rats Cats Mice Sheep Horses Donkeys Cows Poultry Ants Cockroaches Parasites
Endangered Species Galápagos marine sanctuary Illegal fishing activities Development problems For their fins Sharks Tourism and a human population explosion, are further destroying habitats.
When is the best time to visit Galapagos? Between December to May From June to November
Getting There By plane By ship
Get Around Budget: By boat Cruises: Millennium, Estrella de Mar I and II, Budget: $150 per day
Activities Snorkeling Scuba Diving Climb the hill
Surfing Galapagos National Park
Cuisine Seafood Soups Ceviche de Camarones Locro Soup Encococado de Pescado Chupe de Pescado Tapao Yaguarlocro Tronquito Caldo de pata
Baked Goods Others Empanadas Fried Plantains Cuy Llapingachos Rice with Beans Tortillas de Maiz Seco de Pollo Lomo Salteado Seco de Chivo
Nightlife Puerto Ayora Santa Cruz