WHOI Photo/art credit formatting Published in Print Published Online Credit appears vertically along edge of artwork Credit appears in caption --Ideal location is lower right corner --At end of caption --Reads up from bottom, facing out --In parentheses --No smaller than 6 pt --Start credit with either: (Photo by …) or (Map/Schematic/Chart by …) Created by WHOI PI, student, staff? yes no First name last name, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Where space is constrained, use: ,WHOI When source not known: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Never WHOI alone Contract work: Elsa Ruiz Stock Photos: As stipulated. If not stipulated: Corbis Erich Hartmann/Magnum Other providers: Courtesy Franz Kafka, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory WRONG RIGHT Print Online Photo by Jeff Standish Jeff Standish, WHOI (Photo by Jeff Standish, WHOI) (Photo by Peter Wiebe, WHOI) Peter Wiebe, WHOI (Photo by Peter Wiebe, WHOI) Photo Credit: Larry Madin, Biology Dept Larry Madin, WHOI (Photo by Larry Madin, WHOI) Illustration by Jayne Doucette Jayne Doucette, WHOI (Illustration by Jayne Doucette, WHOI) © WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Photo by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Chris Linder Photography C.A. Linder, WHOI (Photo by C.A. Linder, WHOI)