Welcome! Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) Pre-cruise meeting, 30.6-1.7.2016, Lausanne
About EPFL in 2016 10’000 students, 2’000 PhD 1’000’000 MOOCs students 5 Schools, 2 Colleges, 1 Transdisciplinary Entity, 28 Institutes, 354 laboratories 10’000 students, 2’000 PhD 1’000’000 MOOCs students 100 ERC grants 112 nationalities #1 ranked under 50 2
About the Swiss Polar Institute A new centre of excellence in Switzerland Gathering scientific competence in the fields of climate research, extreme environments, glaciology, etc. Founded jointly by EPFL, the Swiss Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape research WSL, ETHZ, the University of Berne and Editions Paulsen. Officially supported by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) Based at EPFL Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) as SPI’s first initiative
About ACE A unique scientific opportunity to do a full circumnavigation of Antarctica A collaboration between Australia (AAD), France (IPEV), Norway (NPI), Russia (AARI), South Africa (SANAP/NRF/DST), Switzerland (EPFL/SPI) and the United Kingdom (BAS) Project ACE has been created with the support of Ferring Pharmaceuticals and contributions from the Swiss Polar Institute and the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) A special thank you to the ACE Technical Committee!!!
Aims of the pre-cruise meeting ACE is a hugely complex and novel adventure… We need to build and ensure: A solid scientific strategy and synergies between projects A strong solidarity and sense of partnership between all involved (PIs, teams, ACE organisers, …) An exchange of knowledge and sense of what will be possible An efficient procedure and planning for the final preparation phases We need your help!
Who is who?