Safely Climbing Up & Down on Machinery * 07/16/96 Safely Climbing Up & Down on Machinery The way that a person gets on & off a piece of machinery is a “habit”! Some people get by with bad habits for a long time & then “LUCK” runs out! It’s just a matter of time, when you rely on “LUCK” to keep you safe, before you will have a minor or major incident. Sometimes the “wake- up call” you get from a close call is all that is needed to change your bad habits. But sometimes the wake-up call comes too late & pain & loss of wages set in. 5/22/2018 *
3 Points of Contact ! This means two hands and a foot or * 07/16/96 3 Points of Contact ! This means two hands and a foot or Two feet and a hand But the other hand or foot is in transition! Not trying to carry something! Read the slide ! 5/22/2018 *
A good example of getting into a large on-highway truck * A good example of getting into a large on-highway truck 07/16/96 Notice how Jim has his right hand around the grab rail, not two or three fingers ! He has a grip on the rail. That is what it is for. If he were to loose his footing, due to mud or grease on the step, he should be able to hang on, with little to no injury. 5/22/2018 *
A good example of climbing on a large piece of equipment(3 points) * A good example of climbing on a large piece of equipment(3 points) 07/16/96 Same thing here, he could grab the bar in his left hand, with his right hand too, at least he has a hand to help stabilize his body. 5/22/2018 *
Never climb with items in your hands ! * 07/16/96 Never climb with items in your hands ! This is a good way to get injured, trying to carry a heavy object up the side of a machine. If he lost his footing or grip, he might have to drop what he has in his hand (if he has time) if he can’t drop the object in time, his body will crash into the machine or the ground. The service manual he is carrying only cost about $300, but what if it were a lap-top computer ? What are odds of it surviving a fall onto the tracks? or to the ground ? Or into mud ? Water ? A person has to plan how to do a job & getting up and down has got to be in the plans. Does a person need steps ? Or how about a ladder ? 5/22/2018 *
* 07/16/96 “These tools are small, they won’t hurt anything!” “Wrong”, never have anything in your hands, you need them! In this slide, Jim has 3 fingers around the grab rail on his left side, the thumb and index finger are holding on to a ratchet and a screw driver. If his feet were to slip on a step, he would have to rely on the strength of his right hand to hold him on this machine. 5/22/2018 *
* 07/16/96 In this example, Jim has put his tools in a bucket ! He could use a bag with a rope tied to it as well ! The rope could be tied to his belt as he climbs for the first time. 5/22/2018 *
This makes for a much safer climb, up or down a machine. * 07/16/96 This makes for a much safer climb, up or down a machine. 5/22/2018 *
What goes up, must come down. But not forward What goes up, must come down! But not forward! So Turn around & maintain 3 points of contact. * 07/16/96 If possible, always face a machine when you exit ! If not, always hold on, you are stepping down with your heal, not your toes in a lot of cases, you don’t have the feel for how good the footing is. 5/22/2018 *
* 07/16/96 Climbing down forward, generally puts you in awkward positions, while trying to maintain 3 points of contact, 5/22/2018 *
Never Jump off any machine ! * 07/16/96 Never Jump off any machine ! You notice that the young guys do this a lot more than the older people ! Sprained ankles, wrists & broken bones result from this “Habit” 5/22/2018 *
You might think that the distance won’t hurt you ! * 07/16/96 You might think that the distance won’t hurt you ! Think about the impact to your feet Ankles Knees Back Hips Neck And then there is something like this ! You are applying a lot of force, to your joints, when you jump from any height! Your ligaments & tendons also get strained or sprained when the limb is not perfectly straight upon landing. We have had many Workers Compensation claims, from people jumping or falling from machines. We need to change our habits, if we jump from machines ! 5/22/2018 *
* 07/16/96 On April 16, 2001, a 59-year-old truck driver (contractor employee) with 2 years mining experience was fatally injured at a limestone operation. The victim was standing on the rear tires of his loaded trailer installing a tarp, when he slipped and fell 41 inches to the roadway. He died of his injuries several days later. On April 16, 2001, a 59-year-old truck driver (contractor employee) with 2 years mining experience was fatally injured at a limestone operation. The victim was standing on the rear tires of his loaded trailer installing a tarp, when he slipped and fell 41 inches to the roadway. He died of his injuries several days later. On April 16, 2001, a 59-year-old truck driver (contractor employee) with 2 years mining experience was fatally injured at a limestone operation. The victim was standing on the rear tires of his loaded trailer installing a tarp, when he slipped and fell 41 inches to the roadway. He died of his injuries several days later. On April 16, 2001, a 59-year-old truck driver (contractor employee) with 2 years mining experience was fatally injured at a limestone operation. The victim was standing on the rear tires of his loaded trailer installing a tarp, when he slipped and fell 41 inches to the roadway. He died of his injuries several days later. Read the slide Point out that the person only (slipped) fell 41 inches, yet that resulted in his death ! This is the third fatality classified as Slip/Fall of Person in 2001. There were two Slip/Fall of Person fatalities in the same period in 2000. 5/22/2018 *
Beware of damage that blocks full access to steps and hand holds Beware of damage that blocks full access to steps and hand holds. There is a liability here! * 07/16/96 When working on machines that are damaged, you have to make them safe to work on ! You might have to push a temporary step into place to gain access, safely to this machine. 5/22/2018 *
This could help make the climb safe ! * 07/16/96 This could help make the climb safe ! That’s what this step is for ! 5/22/2018 *
* 07/16/96 What about this step ? This step that a customer has put on his machine is dangerous ! 5/22/2018 *
This kind of step is excellent for this kind of machine ! * 07/16/96 This kind of step is excellent for this kind of machine ! Make sure the steps are in good condition, before you use them ! 5/22/2018 *
The RIGHT Stuff ! Now use it! * The RIGHT Stuff ! Now use it! 07/16/96 This cable step will move when you step up on it, but if you have both hands firmly on the hand rails, you can safely climb onto this machine. The person should turn around and climb down this step, it is made for your foot, not your heel ! We have had 4 workers comp cases this year dealing with this issue, one of them resulted in a broken elbow & one of them was broken ribs. Both were lost time accidents Both were greater than 41 inch falls ! If you have bad habits of climbing on & off machines, now is the time to change, Are there any questions ? 5/22/2018 *