L.E.I.H.T. Task Force Law Enforcement to Investigate Human Trafficking Santa Clara County
LABOR TRAFFICKING REPORT Collaborative effort Working Partnerships USA, South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking, San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce, Santa Clara Building & Construction Trades Council, Community Solutions, YWCA, OWP, County Counsel District Attorney’s Office and Sheriff’s Office
Recommendation 1: Add personnel to l.e.i.h.t. task force Specialization is key Sex vs. Labor: vastly different crimes Investigative strategies Demographics and trauma Types of evidence and charges filed Location of crime Perpetrators and modes of exploitation
Recommendation 1: Add personnel to l.e.i.h.t. task force Dept. of Labor Standards Enforcement Wage theft, labor trafficking Numerous victim interviews Document gathering Document review Assess/investigate for labor trafficking Resources needed
Remaining Recommendations Facilitate reporting Train organized labor and utilize other awareness raising tools Develop multilingual trainings, videos, PSAs Promotoras model Identify, document, update current training efforts Promote restaurant and hotel online trainings Formalize job placement opportunities for victims Advocate for continued presence and work authorization for victims Revoke restaurant permits as deterrence Ensure competent and confidential victim services Support labor and employment attorney