Rhetorical Triangle and Primary Appeals Mrs. DiLauro Academic Writing
The Rhetorical Triangle: SAS Subject: What are you talking about or what is the topic? Audience: Who is the target audience? 20 year old girls from England? This needs to be a specific group. Speaker: Who are they? What is their personality like? Their position? Their background? Etc.
#1 Subject: Goldfish died Audience: A three year old child Speaker: You are the parent
#2 Subject: You’re fired Audience: Your co-worker and loyal friend Speaker: You are a seventy-five year old man who lied to save your own job
#3 Subject: You’ve witness a robbery Audience: The police Speaker: You are a ninety-five year old woman who is easily confused
#4 Subject: You want to ask out your best friend’s ex boyfriend/girlfriend Audience: Your best friend Speaker: You are a billionaire who is used to getting what you want, but you want to keep your friendship
#5 Subject: You want to run away with the circus Audience: Your family Speaker: You are a thirty-five year old man with a wife and two kids
#6 Subject: You are trying to convince your players to take ballet lessons Audience: A football team Speaker: You are the coach, and a former ballet star!
#7 Subject: You ate the last cookie in a pack of Oreos Audience: An angry bear Speaker: You are a lone camper who is angry for having to explain himself to a bear
Back to Ethos, Pathos and Logos: A Review Now, you are to write a letter using the THREE primary appeals of persuasion to convince the principal and the school board that we should only have school three days a week. Make sure the letter is at least three paragraphs long, and that each paragraph contains ONE major appeal Address it correctly and sign it formally