Developing Students’ Skills A Case Study Academic Platform Structure Skills Delivery Success
Case Study Why develop skills? School v University Entry to University DDE Limited choices Key to doing well
Foundation Built Environment Entry Requirements Unique Nature Architecture, Construction, Planning & Real Estate
Foundation Built Environment Structure Core - Integrative and Contextual Studies x3 Core - Essential Skills Core - Environmental Science Level 4 x 2 Word Processing and Spreadsheet
Foundation Built Environment Integrative and Contextual Studies x3 & Essential Skills Academic Literacy Live Projects Subject knowledge Practical Skills Environmental Science Practical Knowledge Level 4s - Integration
Skills Developed Problem Solving Technical Skills Essay Writing Research Referencing Presentation Group Work
Success The FBE has enabled me to develop my skills in terms of group work in which communication and task distribution are essential to form a great project. During the undergraduate program, a lot of group work is required and through the FBE I was prepared to tackle them. My writing skills have been enhanced through essay writing on topics related closely to the built environment. The undergraduate program requires a lot of individual essays and the FBE has made me more confident in writing them. Time management is another vital skill learnt in FBE which is essential in the rest of the undergraduate program.
Success? 2010 - 60% with first or 2:1 2011 – 75% with first or 2:1
How can we improve delivery? Discussion How can we improve delivery? How do we tackle students that don’t engage?
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